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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTS3000 9600 Trunking Talkgroup "Wildcard"

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2015
Chisholm, MN
I have been successfully scanning the 800Mhz P25 system here in Minnesota with my XTS3000.
However, my question is...is there a wildcard that I can use as one of my 16 conventional scan lists to allow me to unmute on all traffic on the simulcast system. It may be a nice touch as my scan list is limited 10 talkgroups with this model.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
Short answer no it's a two way radio for professionals not a scanner for hobby enthusiasts. Most first responders stay on a single channel usually for a event and only scan necessary channels while not on a active call. If you want more than 10 channels to scan buy a scanner. I don't know what else to say except I see why public safety on a such a hurry to encrypt or move to LTE ( First Net ) every time I read a post like this. Do some home work and understand the radio you are using is a tool for first responders and not a toy to be played with when you obviously don't understand the hardware you are working with.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


Mar 11, 2003
Short answer no it's a two way radio for professionals not a scanner for hobby enthusiasts. Most first responders stay on a single channel usually for a event and only scan necessary channels while not on a active call. If you want more than 10 channels to scan buy a scanner. I don't know what else to say except I see why public safety on a such a hurry to encrypt or move to LTE ( First Net ) every time I read a post like this. Do some home work and understand the radio you are using is a tool for first responders and not a toy to be played with when you obviously don't understand the hardware you are working with.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
He asked a simple question that could have been answered with a simple answer. . If you want to scan all voice traffic you set up a conventional zone of all the voice channels and a scan list using all the frequencies( no control channels) only set it to astro in the type and the Digital CSQ set one channel in the zone to to scan those 16 channels . the downside is you will hear all traffic not a particular talkgroup and with a busy system it gets annoying and you will miss traffic. And Robert.. Yet you again turn it into your personal soapbox against encryption. and berate him for asking a simple question..


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2015
Chisholm, MN
I appreciate both responses. Digital trunking has been a learning curve. I respect the equipment and the system I am monitoring. I am an EMT and have had great interest in radio since I was a young boy. Now an amateur extra. I have tried the conventional scan method...but see that it has it's drawbacks as well. Just wanted to see if a wildcard was an option. Thank you both for your help.


Oct 22, 2009

I suppose it would be up to the St. Louis prosecutor for their interpretation but down in the metro this has been used for unauthorized radios. Think of it like a building with big windows as you walk by on the sidewalk. Using a scanner is like looking in those big windows as you stroll by on the public sidewalk. No legal problems. Having possession of the hacked key is like possessing a key to the building. That’s probably a legal gray area, but probably safe if you do nothing with the key. When you use the key to enable the trunking system now it’s like you went inside, which digitally is accessing the computer system. Probably prosecutable but if you have a good attorney maybe you can argue how you were just scanning and caused no harm. If you screw up and make a mistake in programming, which mind you even experienced system techs do from time to time, now you have a clear violation of law and potentially put one of your coworkers in danger. If you are working EMS take your radio to Tom S and get a legit ID in it using an experienced programmer to do the work. Just my two cents.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2015
Chisholm, MN
Non-affiliate scan is well known and widely used. I didn't come to stir up the debate again. Was a simple question and I am not going to engage in the debate. Appreciate the responses...moderator can close the thread. Question answered.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
He asked a simple question that could have been answered with a simple answer. . If you want to scan all voice traffic you set up a conventional zone of all the voice channels and a scan list using all the frequencies( no control channels) only set it to astro in the type and the Digital CSQ set one channel in the zone to to scan those 16 channels . the downside is you will hear all traffic not a particular talkgroup and with a busy system it gets annoying and you will miss traffic. And Robert.. Yet you again turn it into your personal soapbox against encryption. and berate him for asking a simple question..
I didn't berate him he was asking how to use scanner features on a two way radio. Any moto or public official watching this site would have a huge red flag flying in front of them when they saw that question. I only assume they would be asking how did he get a key?, does he now have access to our system?, how do we combat activity like this on our system in the future?. I didn't mean to berate or belittle but a little research into the matter would have made a world of difference on that one option is available on a scanner and not on a two way radio. But your right I am growing quite tired of these forums once again as soon as I get a couple of scanners repaired I will have no need to be on these forums except to comment on firmware releases and such. Such a shame but I have better things to do and places to be anyway that's the last time you'll hear my two cents.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


Mar 11, 2003
The method I stated does not use a system key.. Its conventional programming of voice channels in a scan list


Mar 1, 2003
The method I stated does not use a system key.. Its conventional programming of voice channels in a scan list
Before I knew about NAS, I tried your method. It worked pretty good for a small town's system. But for the large county system, it was horrible. Too much radio traffic. Cop one second, then a fireman the next, & then a meter reader right after that. NAS works great.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 24, 2009
Sacramento, California
If you are going to use an XTS3000 then program the radio for NAS according to the instructions that you can find discussed openly. The XTS3000 is easy to program for NAS. If you do it right then the radio will perform better than any scanner. If you do it wrong then you could end up in jail. Your call.


Public Information Officer
Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2003
New London, CT
Short answer no it's a two way radio for professionals not a scanner for hobby enthusiasts. Most first responders stay on a single channel usually for a event and only scan necessary channels while not on a active call. If you want more than 10 channels to scan buy a scanner.

This is misleading as the radios can scan 15+1 in conventional, but are limited to 10 in trunked (which can be a mix of trunked and conventional) . Have you seen how many trunked talk groups can be scanned with the APX radios? You think the APX 7000 and 8000 are designed for scanner enthusiasts? There are times professional users just want to hear more.

I keep my XTS2500 on the desk in the alarm room and scan 10 channels, but wish I could scan 12 on that radio.

It is simply a limit to how Motorola designed the software. You can scan 16 in conventional (15 + 1) and 10 in trunked.

On the other hand, public safety is generally not in a hurry to encrypt. Maybe on the law side, but on the Fire and EMS side, no. Why? Well if you're in an area where some departments are UHF, others are VHF, some still use low band and others are on 800 trunked, encrypting makes monitoring your neighbouring departments impossible. You ever meet someone in the Fire Service who didn't want to hear what was going on around them? Even on the law side, there is push back against encryption in areas where many frequencies bands are in use, with a mix of analog of digital, encryption in these areas costs lives rather than saves them.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2015
Chisholm, MN
If you are going to use an XTS3000 then program the radio for NAS according to the instructions that you can find discussed openly. The XTS3000 is easy to program for NAS. If you do it right then the radio will perform better than any scanner. If you do it wrong then you could end up in jail. Your call.

I did just that. And it works great. Actually have programmed up a half dozen or so. Limited to the 10 scan list. But has been said "They are a radio...not a scanner" So that is the trade off. Thank you.
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