The only Question most intelligent Hams had was when?
Baofeng and other CCRs set the bar low and the price lower .
Sociologist give generations different names boomers,millenials gen X etc.
We now have a generation of hams that will be known as baofeng , and the major existing brands have gotten there clocks cleaned with the baofeng generation ,so wondering who,when and how was the Chinese assault on amateur radio gonna be answered is not a mystery anymore.
If you are a ham for any length of time you will have noticed:
Flagship models have been lingering ,not the break neck pace they used to be released at,when you thought you wanted "X" brand A releases there answer to radio "X" ,and so on .
The dumbing down of capabilities and features ,even flagship models are coming with less abilities ,like the advent of dual band single band radios ,cutting budgets,cutting innovation and since many of the baofeng crowd expexts less and dont aspire to better radios we all pay .
We are also seeing brands become more focused on there individual world , with everything an expensive option or "you cant get there from here " mindsets ( most hams are resoucefull and have developed work arounds ) so some of these companies shot themselves in the foot by not including parts ,or buying crap parts that fail , they are no longer considered a premium brand ,Icom was the leader for along time ,but in cutting quality and making things options,and manipulating the price of radios new and used so badly to try and drive profits ,they are facing a decline in customers ,(i used to be a die hard Icom loyal customer then they burned customers & consequently there market share ,image) . Kenwood has not done this , Yaesu looked like it might be a race to the bottom with Icom , i think Yaesu saw what was happening and turned a page,saying "we arent going down that road".
So Yaesu ain't perfect , (I personally have never liked there menu system ,i always have cheat sheets in my wallet ) but the fact there fighting this cheap Haz Mat dumped here by the Chinese gives me hope .
There not turning out crap ,when they screw up a radio ,they usually make good on it ,and when they do something stupid and they realize it ,it gets addressed and then the next batch of radios is an A or X, or XDR to denote fixing something or bettering something .
So I have alot of respect for Yaesu ,and even more now that it looks like we will not be burying them next to Icom anytime soon .and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for them ,they seem like the last company willing to battle for the 2 types of vastly different consumers the "budget budget budget" I don't care ! And the Flagships that us older buzzards have always bought ,and dare I say some of there recent offerings appear to be well placed as "mid level" not targeting the budget crowd or the flagship but "inentivising features" to make themselves appealing as a justifiable ,worthwhile budget friendly upgrade.
They hopefully will succeed where the "Dstar tax" failed , there making affordable entry and mid level access to most of digital ,but still saving some to keep the Flagships crowd buying, and possibly relaunching wires into a successful mode ,it's been around my entire ham life with not much growth, but wires X may ignite some passions , there are people who have done amazing things with it ,but you need full digital HRI 200 nodes to find the other communities that wires X dominates the market in digital tinkering .
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