Yaesu: Yaesu VX-8R Memory Bank “MCH ERROR”

Aug 27, 2024
I recently started trying to use the Memory Banks for scanning in the Yaesu VX-8r. I have read the manual many times. But it has holes For some procedures.

When trying to add memories to a Memory Bank, I cannot add memory channels to the Bank further than 100 channels from the first channel number. I understand that the Memory Banks are only able to hold 100 channels tops. That is not the issue. If I, say, add memory channel MR 800 to bank 24 first, then the Memory Bank will only take channels up to MR 900. An attempt to add MR 901 will result in an error code: “MCH ERROR”. How can I add a full 100 channels to a bank?

Likewise, I find no way to input new channels into the bank slots where channels have been deleted. If B1, B2, B3, B5… are used, how do I add a channel to B4? Any attempt to do so fails.

Thanks much and 73.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
I don't own a VX-8R. I do own an FT5DR which also has memory banks. I know that with my radio, I can't assign a memory to a bank if the memory is above 900. Yaesu considers those memories to be "skip search memory channels" on the FT5.
Aug 27, 2024
Ok, that seems like the similar issue, thanks. So far as I’ve read, nothing in the documents mention that for VX-8R. But it seems to be the reality unless I’m doing something wrong with the keypad incantations. I’m still wondering how to fit a full 100 memory channels into deleted slots in a Bank, so if anyone has info, please peep!



Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2008
I have a VX6R and frankly cannot imagine the amount of patience it would take to manually add memory channels to banks (props for doing so however). So instead I use the RT Systems programmer to do so, among other things. It becomes a simple click in the box task. It may cost a few bucks but for me it is well worth it. I have looked at chirp, but couldn't find anything with it for using the memory banks for Yaesu handhelds.

Aug 27, 2024
Thanks, it’s something I will hopefully get in time, a programming cable. For that mic port they are rather rare. So over the years I’ve filled much of the radio just a bit at a time. Will RTS or Chirp fix the above-channel-900 issue?


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
No programming software can "fix" a firmware issue.

If buying RT Systems software, I recommend you buy their cable.

If you plan to use Chirp, you can use any suitable cable that mates to the radio. I recommend cables with FTDI chips. I've had good luck with cables from Valley Enterprises (Yaesu). That said, there have been reports of Chirp "bricking" Yaesus. Use Chirp at your own risk.

Note that the VX-8R and VX-8DR use a different programming cable from most other Yaesus.
Aug 27, 2024
Programming software will fix a firmware issue… if it flashes a new firmware. But I do recognize that’s sadly a rare or difficult prospect in most ham gear.

NB for any who might research this issue in future: the programmable memory scan also doesn’t work above channel 900. …This makes PMS a real headache. (Hihi, YLs.)