Thanks guys for the help! I programmed my scanner can't wait to go to celebrate my mothers cancer survival! She beat Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Congratulations to your mother! I had one surgery for "The Big C" and may have another cancerous tumor in an unrelated part of the body. That "mass" is not growing, but its cell type is yet unknown. I had a trauma in the late 80's that is now causing a slow deterioration in cognitive functioning.
“Growing old isn't for sissies” Bette Davis
There haven''t been any changes to the four nets at Yellowstone NP. Those nets are the North, Lamar, West and South. The change to the Lamar Net is the relocation of its repeater to Druid Peak, located north of the Gardiner to Cooke City road, west of Trout Lake and adjacent to the Lamar Valley. It is shown on the park map.
QDP2012, thanks for the offer. I need to rewrite the radio designator portion of the wiki and then edit the park ranger district map. Some of the districts are actually sub-districts and some of the district names are not correct. I've gotten permission to use the maps from "Secret Yellowstone" on the RR Wiki, I just need to edit them. I need to submit the correct repeater locations for each net and make sure that those repeaters are listed net by net instead of the way they are now.
For those visiting this National Park remember that the bison is the park's most dangerous animal. For every injury and fatality caused by both grizzly and black bears there are 3.3 injuries and fatalities due to bison. The NPS recommends visitors get no closer than 75 feet from these large mammals, which have the capability to run at 30 mph, just like bears.
When I was working adjacent to the West Yellowstone road on the North Fork Fire during the 1988 blazes a bison bull was walking on the highway surface and I was about 10 feet away. The ground under my feet was vibrating. I only had about a 30 second warning that the animal was approaching and we were told to not run or make sudden movements so I hoped the few scrawny lodgepole pines between me and the bull screened me from the animal's sight, although I'm sure it could smell me, after all the park visitors could smell me from a couple of hundred feet.
I used to carry the best nationwide federal land management agency frequency list I could gather. I programmed one of the nets into my King and scanned it along with the tactical channel for the division I was in, with the tac set as a priority. I think there were only two nets at the time, perhaps north and south. I could not follow the traffic very well as I didn't have any information on the radio designator system for the park. I will update the Wiki to make sure its readers won't be in the same situation.