I don't think any of those settings will work with the 796. Ie, 136 is lowest base setting, 7.5 is lowest step and 380-759 is the offset range. However, Uniden has two down-loadable upgrades for the 796, one is for the digital card and the other is for firmware. I'm not familiar with either cause I have a 785 and neither of these apply.
Having said that...the two owners manual differ only in one area for setting tables.
In the menu for setting UHF/VHF Motorola trunking sections:
785D=Rotate VFO to 5: TYPE 2 VHF
796D=Rotate VFO to 5: TYPE 2/P25
ARC250 software programs all 4 scanners in this series, 250D/785D/296D and 796D. The software has no distinction for different table settings on any of the 4 scanners.
Using the MENU for setting the scanner requires at least one set of tables to be entered when TYPE2 VHF (or P25) is selected, and I'm beginning to think one can fool the scanner by setting 136.0000/7.5/380 in all three tables. And, I think the 796 user must have the firmware upgrade via the Uniden Download page, and maybe the digital card upgrade also.