Anytone AT-D578UV DMR issues

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Dec 18, 2020
I'm a DMR rookie, but I learned a bit before I've started to create a codeplug for my radio. I've got a problem with my d578. Yesterday I've created the codeplug and imported to my radio. Everything works fine, I've joined the talkgroup and I heard hams and hams heard me. After that I decided to import a digital contact list downloaded from As I did It, I couldn't hear anyone. All I noticed is a quite noise from the speaker when someone is talking(still I can see the ids). No matter how volume is high, the noise is on the same level. Analog features are just running fine(repeaters, direct etc.), I think it's not a speaker problem. Furthermore, I've got a repeater in like 2km and I'm using T1.Things I've tried:
  • Reinstalling the software, reinitializing the radio and creating a new codeplug
  • Reinstalling the software, reinitializing the radio and importing the existing codeplug
Unfortunately I don't have any idea what should I do now. Where can I try to find a solution for that?
Could you please help me out? I would be grateful. 73's


Mar 12, 2014
Do you have a copy of the codeplug that worked before you imported the contact list? (It's always a good habit to make backups and keep copies, at least until you know you're new one is working) It's very possible that your importing corrupted your working codeplug. It's happened to me in the past. If you have it, try loading it and see if that gets your radio back to working properly again.

On that note, are you using the same software/program to create your codeplug and to import the contacts? Mixing software can cause problems once in a while. If all else fails, trying starting from scratch and build up a new codeplug starting with just one repeater and a few talkgroups. As things progress successfully, make copies before each codeplug change so you can always take a step back and correct problems if they occur.


Dec 18, 2020
Thank you for your answer @bharvey2 . Did you have the same issue? I tried the working codeplug. I got the point that mixing software is not a good idea. I tried from the scratch and after the reinitialization, I've exported a codeplug from the radio, did some changes on it and imported it back. Unfortunately it changes nothing. Today when I've been linked to a TG, I just simply turned on the max volume for DMR. I was surprised. I heard someone talking but it was really quiet sound. I think I didn't notice this behaviour before. Maybe this new case can help to track this problem down?


Mar 12, 2014
I don't own a D578 but have worked with a number of of different DMR radios and have had corrupted codeplugs. The corruption I experienced last time around was caused by using a separate piece of software to import data from another codeplug. Going back to the original fixed it for me.

Are you certain that the CPS version you are using is compatible with the firmware version of your radio? A mismatch can create trouble as well. Perhaps a full radio reset back to its original state might be a good idea. Below is a link that I found that may be of help.



Active Member
Apr 28, 2002
+1 what @bharvey2 says. Don't use Chirp with the Anytone D578.

Question: Did you update the firmware to the most current version? Are you using the most current version of the PPS for the D578?

In "optional settings" of the PPS, there is a way to fix the volume on both the speaker and headphones (look at the Volume/Audio tab). That might be set low.

When you reinitialize the radio and BEFORE you upload a populated code plug to it , go to one of the analog frequencies and see if you can adjust the volume.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2013
Rochester, NY
In "optional settings" of the PPS, there is a way to fix the volume on both the speaker and headphones (look at the Volume/Audio tab). That might be set low.

There *is* a maximum audio setting, but just one.

I've noticed with mine that the audio on DMR is much lower than analog. I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear a DMR conversation.


Mar 12, 2014
There *is* a maximum audio setting, but just one.

I've noticed with mine that the audio on DMR is much lower than analog. I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear a DMR conversation.

Does every DMR contact you hear have low volume or does it vary? If the latter is the case, this isn't uncommon with DMR on ham as there is such a variety of radio brands on the same system. I've noticed that Motorola radios come in much hotter than some of the CCRs.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2013
Rochester, NY
Does every DMR contact you hear have low volume or does it vary? If the latter is the case, this isn't uncommon with DMR on ham as there is such a variety of radio brands on the same system. I've noticed that Motorola radios come in much hotter than some of the CCRs.
Every contact, and they are using a variety of radios (including Motorolas) which doesn't include CCRs.

I will admit that I have the radio set to "Indoor" for volume so I could turn it down but still leave it audible. With the default setting it went from nothing to SCREAMING with the tiniest movement of the volume knob. I guess I should try it on "1" and see how that works. But the point is that audio from an analog conversation is much louder ... I never turn the volume all the way up when working analog.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
Does every DMR contact you hear have low volume or does it vary? If the latter is the case, this isn't uncommon with DMR on ham as there is such a variety of radio brands on the same system. I've noticed that Motorola radios come in much hotter than some of the CCRs.

On my Moto gear, the DMR contacts are WAY louder, and I have to drop the volume, compared to analog. But of course, that could just be on my end, and how the Motos are configured. On my other DMR gear, I don't really notice much of a difference between the two.


Sep 29, 2020
Edgewood, NM, USA DM65vb
I own a AT-578 and have some observations that might be of help.

First off, importing a digital contact list from RadioID shouldn't have any effect on operational settings, like volume - assuming you are *importing* the digital contact list as a *.csv file.

What can happen, though, is that the configuration data (other data) you have loaded in the CPS program and that within the radio itself differ - and you upload both the other data and digital contact list. You have added the digital contact list, but inadvertently change the radio's (other data) configuration. I've made this particular mistake a dozen times.

What you want to do is start with a correctly working codeplug loaded into the radio,

Next download (other data) from the radio into the CPS. This ensures that the CPS has the exact same configuration as the radio.

Now you can import, then upload the digital contact list. If you accidentally include (other data) when uploading the digital contact list to the radio, you won't be uploading a stale or incorrect radio configuration.

Hope this helps.


Mar 12, 2014
Every contact, and they are using a variety of radios (including Motorolas) which doesn't include CCRs.

I will admit that I have the radio set to "Indoor" for volume so I could turn it down but still leave it audible. With the default setting it went from nothing to SCREAMING with the tiniest movement of the volume knob. I guess I should try it on "1" and see how that works. But the point is that audio from an analog conversation is much louder ... I never turn the volume all the way up when working analog.

That behavior doesn't sound normal. It may be on the 578 though and might just need s firmware update. I have the handheld, an 868, and a number of Connect Systems DMR radios and non have a big difference in volume between DMR and analog.


Mar 12, 2014
On my Moto gear, the DMR contacts are WAY louder, and I have to drop the volume, compared to analog. But of course, that could just be on my end, and how the Motos are configured. On my other DMR gear, I don't really notice much of a difference between the two.

I've noticed that Motorola transmit volume is louder (compared to other brands) but I didn't know that they experienced any difference on the reception side. I've only used analog Motorola gear so I have no first hand experience.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2013
Rochester, NY
That behavior doesn't sound normal. It may be on the 578 though and might just need s firmware update.

Yeah definitely not desirable, but it's certainly the case on the 578, at least with the current firmware (yes, I am running the latest). Perhaps it will be fixed in a future release.


Mar 12, 2014
Yeah definitely not desirable, but it's certainly the case on the 578, at least with the current firmware (yes, I am running the latest). Perhaps it will be fixed in a future release.

Yep sounds like a firmware issue. I was thinking about a 578UV but have been buying the Connect Systems 800 and 800D models because of the detachable heads. Also, if I have problems I can (and have) contacted Jerry directly.


Dec 18, 2020
At the beginning I just want to thank you for trying to help me, I really appreciate that.
I don't own a D578 but have worked with a number of of different DMR radios and have had corrupted codeplugs. The corruption I experienced last time around was caused by using a separate piece of software to import data from another codeplug. Going back to the original fixed it for me.

Are you certain that the CPS version you are using is compatible with the firmware version of your radio? A mismatch can create trouble as well. Perhaps a full radio reset back to its original state might be a good idea. Below is a link that I found that may be of help.

I'm sure I had matched CPS and the firmware. I checked the link and I followed similar instruction dozen of times. Unfortunately It didn't help

+1 what @bharvey2 says. Don't use Chirp with the Anytone D578.

Question: Did you update the firmware to the most current version? Are you using the most current version of the PPS for the D578?

In "optional settings" of the PPS, there is a way to fix the volume on both the speaker and headphones (look at the Volume/Audio tab). That might be set low.

When you reinitialize the radio and BEFORE you upload a populated code plug to it , go to one of the analog frequencies and see if you can adjust the volume.
I tried various firmware versions. I've tried to set the highest value in max volume select. Analog volume was just running pretty fine all the time, not a single problem with it.

I own a AT-578 and have some observations that might be of help.

First off, importing a digital contact list from RadioID shouldn't have any effect on operational settings, like volume - assuming you are *importing* the digital contact list as a *.csv file.

What can happen, though, is that the configuration data (other data) you have loaded in the CPS program and that within the radio itself differ - and you upload both the other data and digital contact list. You have added the digital contact list, but inadvertently change the radio's (other data) configuration. I've made this particular mistake a dozen times.

What you want to do is start with a correctly working codeplug loaded into the radio,

Next download (other data) from the radio into the CPS. This ensures that the CPS has the exact same configuration as the radio.

Now you can import, then upload the digital contact list. If you accidentally include (other data) when uploading the digital contact list to the radio, you won't be uploading a stale or incorrect radio configuration.

Hope this helps.
I've tried to create a codeplug from the scratch. After I reinitialized the radio I've just checked analog features and everything was working fine. Once analog was running, I exported codeplug to the cps, did some changes (add channel, talkgroup, zone etc.) and imported it back to the radio. When someone was talking on DMR TG, I noticed that speaker is kind of "activating" but unfortunately I didn't hear anyone.

Thank you for your help once again. After having a contact with the vendor I've decided, I will just send him radio back because it's under the warranty. I will keep you informed what's going on with this case :).


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2013
Rochester, NY
When someone was talking on DMR TG, I noticed that speaker is kind of "activating" but unfortunately I didn't hear anyone.

Thank you for your help once again. After having a contact with the vendor I've decided, I will just send him radio back because it's under the warranty. I will keep you informed what's going on with this case :).

Yeah that's definitely not the same as what I see, and I agree that it sounds like a bad radio. Please do keep us in the loop!
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