At no time is it proper to unduly submit electronics to testing that could possibly shorten the life of the components when there are other testing practices available. It’s not a perfect quote from the text but close enough.
Your reply and this post from me do nothing constructive for the original issue at hand and therefore it will be my last. Why you find it necessary to advise someone use a hair dryer on a scanner, never mind a heat shrink gun, that if not used properly can and will warp plastic is beyond me. No need to reply as my question is rhetorical.
Why you felt it necessary to include your resume eludes me. I respect your opinion no differently than before you found it necessary to tell us who you are, I’m guessing in an effort to impress. I believe the accepted policy is to state your opinion, which you and I did and move on, regardless of how much they differ. But when you responded to my post it gave me permission to double down. But only once. As for resumes, I can’t (and wouldn’t even if I could) reply with mine. I’m bound by certain U.S. military constraints even though I’m retired. But I’ve spread enough around the internet over the years where you can get a good understanding of my qualifications if you know where to look. And like yours, they are meaningless if there’s a disagreement.