There are many. Almost every, if not EVERY, manufacturer, airline and wanna-be has written a tome to the wonders and imagination of (fill in your favorite here) such as Beech ("Beechcraft" written byWilliam McDaniel), Cessna, Learjet ("Little Giant" by Robert Serling -- Rod's broher), Boing (I gave my coopy of that away and can't recall the author), etc. etc. As to model-specific books, there is "Those Incomparable Bonanzas" by Larry Ball, "Staggerwing" by Robert T. Smith, etc. etc.) And fror the real flavor of the companies, find a copy of "Alex In Wonderland" by Sandor (Alex) Kvassay.
More real readindg for airplane people should include "Grand Old Lady" the story of the DC-1,2,3. It is by Lt.Col. Carrol Glines and Lt. Col. Wendell Moseley. "Always Another Dawn" is the story of the X-15 program written by its pilot most of the time, Scott Crossfield. And, Chuck Yeager's book, "Yeager, an Auitobiography."
The Smithsonian's Air and Space museum's book shop is loaded with good references well researched, too. And stop by the Experimental Aiarcraft and Antique Aircraft Association's web sites and you'll find a lot more good reading there too.