BYU / Provo Trunked System

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Member N7VU
Database Admin
Sep 17, 2004
Moab, Utah
A submitter has reported that only BYU talkgroups are now run through the BYU trunked system, and that all the city and county talkgroups have migrated to UCAN (while retaining the same TG numbers).

Since this is a major shift that I cannot personally confirm at the moment, I would like some feedback/confirmation before making the changes. Is anyone else listening in the Provo area?



Premium Subscriber
Jan 27, 2011
Utah Cnty, UT
I'm a noob when it comes to understanding all of this, but I do listen frequently and commute in the area.

I'll try paying closer attention, but most likely someone with a better understanding will respond.


Jan 24, 2011
Lubbock, TX
I have only been scanning for a week, but I've been trying to figure out the current status of the BYU/Utah County system.

I just submitted info on this system for TGID 17984 that is currently labeled in the database as BYU ELWC 1 but is actually UtahCo Tac 6 (linked to UCAN 43136).

I don't think any other law enforcement/fire/EMS besides BYU police/security/parking/campus EMS currently uses this system unless I've missed it. I'll keep scanning though and see what happens. Most of the radio traffic is boring BYU maintenance stuff.

If anyone wants to help ID some channels, the following are TGIDs I've heard active on this system, none of which are in the database: 18656, 18000, 19648, 32016, 18576, 18256 (possible BYU IT?), 42800, and 43456.


Jan 24, 2011
Lubbock, TX
So far, I've only confirmed three city or county talkgroups still in use on this system.

1. The UtahCo Tac 6 talkgroup I submitted to the database
2. Provo Police Department 4 - This talkgroup is used as their car to car, and I don't think it's on UCAN
3. A talkgroup (18000) that I think is linked to UCAN 45600, which is Provo FD Alert [Edit: I think it's actually linked to Provo FD/EMS, or UCAN 45184]. I haven't confirmed this yet so I'll only submit it once I'm sure

Also, several of the talkgroups in the State Hospitals group are in use on this system

I don't know why the Provo PD would only use one lone talkgroup on the BYU system. The medical/fire stuff on this system is so that the BYU EMS can have access on their radios (I know a BYU EMS who could listen to the Provo fire calls on his radio, but not any of the police stuff)

I figured out how to run Unitrunker so I'll try to leave my scanner hooked up some day during the daytime to see if any of the other talkgroups are active.

There are a lot of unidentified talkgroups that I've found too
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Jan 5, 2004
Under Your Bed
This is what i know. Most of the Provo City Services ie power water park ect. is on the Provo/BYU system. Since Provo and BYU are shared owners of the system i can't see Provo City(not public safety) migrating to UCAN and incuring more expence for something they already own and only need to use while in Provo or near by and not be link with other citys other than the police fire ems. Alot of the Provo city services people just use their cell phones and city issued cell phones to talk. Provo Ch 4 or the car to car channel is on the Provo/BYU network and is also Provo's police backup incase UCAN goes down. Some of the surounding citys have a talk group on Provo/BYU ,who can reach the tower, for backup also. Provo's EMS, Fire, Police can change over off UCAN to BYU while responding to calls on campus. If the call is big enough BYU will transfer command over to Provo. BYU usually only handles the small stuff. I have only got this info in bit and pieces from a few Provo employes and listening to them on the scanner. If my info is wrong let me know.


Jan 24, 2011
Lubbock, TX
I have been wondering why I only heard about half of the Provo PD 4 conversations on the BYU system. It turns out that half of the City of Provo LCN's are in the "rebanding" range from 440-559.

The BYU system has three site licenses - WPKZ444 (City of Provo), KNFZ231 (BYU), and WPZV553 (BYU). The active LCN's on the two BYU licenses occur in the range from 155 to 396.

However, the City of Provo license has the following active LCN's: 54, 71, 446, 462, and 477. So three of the LCN's require rebanding to listen to the transmissions.

Once I changed the bandplan for this system, I was able to hear every conversation on Provo PD 4.

The only talkgroup I've confirmed active on the "rebanded" City of Provo frequencies is actually Provo PD 4. UtahCo Tac 6 and the Provo FD/EMS talkgroup are broadcast on BYU frequencies. So if you have a trunking non-rebanding scanner, you can listen to almost everything on this system still.
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