California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS)

Jan 4, 2005
Soledad, CA
Mono County is NOT using CRIS as their primary radio system. I've had all the CRIS frequencies on the Sweetwater, Conway, Crestview, Sherwin Summit and Silver Peak Electronic Sites in my scanner since the 29th of December and hooked up to a logging system. All I've heard is a Morse Code ID on Conway, Sherwin Summit and Silver Peak. I've picked up a trunking data signal from Silver Peak twice in that time period, but it is not constant. I don't have Leviathan Peak programmed as I can't hear it from home. It only covers a small portion of the county anyway, with Sweetwater being the site that covers the north county best. If Mono County decides to use CRIS it would need the Antelope Mountain (near Benton), the Casa Diablo and Substation Hill (east of Mammoth) electronic sites to be CRIS equipped also. It also would likely need sites on June Mountain and Potato Peak (east side of Bridgeport Valley) to fill in specific locations as well.

I don't know where you received information about Mono County using CRIS as its primary system as it hasn't happened at this point in time. Your conclusion that CRIS will be an underutilized interop system is yet to be seen, but I tend to agree with you unless proven otherwise.



Radio Communications Enthusiast
Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2012
Sacramento, CA
I believe Mono County is planning to move to CRIS sometime in the future. The sites that are currently active were funded and installed by the state and are meant for mobile, not portable, coverage.

In theory, Mono County could get away with using the state sites and maybe some additional sites built out later with the help of an in-car extender for their portables.

I'm going to guess Mono County will help or solely fund the build out of additional sites to fill coverage gaps if they do end up moving to CRIS.


A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
I believe Mono County is planning to move to CRIS sometime in the future. The sites that are currently active were funded and installed by the state and are meant for mobile, not portable, coverage.

In theory, Mono County could get away with using the state sites and maybe some additional sites built out later with the help of an in-car extender for their portables.

I'm going to guess Mono County will help or solely fund the build out of additional sites to fill coverage gaps if they do end up moving to CRIS.

The existing sites at Antelope Peak, Casa Diablo and Substation Hill are needed just for mobile coverage of some large areas of the county, not for handheld coverage alone. The Potato Peak and June Mtn. sites are needed for mobile coverage on smaller lengths of highway. I just thought of another large blind spot east of Tioga Pass which is partially covered by a site at a vista point in the mouth of Lee Vining Canyon. This would be an essential site so CRIS has less than half the MOBILE sites needed. The county has used extenders in the past, although I don't monitor the UHF linking frequencies for that so I don't know their status.


A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
I should also say that I've lived in Mono County for 41 years and worked for two national forests in the county. I'm intimately familiar with the radio coverage of the USFS, BLM, State Systems (CHP, Caltrans, DPR, DFW), Mono County, Inyo County and the two incorporated cities in the two counties. The state has built sites at state sites and no where else. The mobile coverage of those will not be close to sufficient for the safety of officers.


Database Admin
Jun 29, 2008
SF Bay Area
DB has been updated, but we still need someone with Unitrunker/DSD+ to get the alternate CCs and neighbors for sites 59 thru 65.


May 29, 2016
Montebello, CA
Just saw a video on Vimeo that shows a couple of CHP Officers talking about the agency beginning to use CRIS in the Sacramento area. Also going to be using PTT over LTE. I tried to post a link to the video but the site won’t let me do it. I’m sure a search on Vimeo can find it.

The video is titled Telcomm - Radio Project Update
Last edited:


Scan Sexy
Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2010
Surfridge, CA.
Well well to all the people saying that CHP WILL NOT BE ON THE SYSTEM. Egg on your face

I'm sure they will be on the system.
However you need money to build it out. Sacto is a proof of concept test to see if any of this works in the real world.
The video does not mention a cost, budget or even a ballpark completion date.
The state is in a huge budget deficit and law enforcement does not seem to be a priority.
Is this project fully funded?

Who will actually build it all??? There is a huge shortage of trained and certified radio folks...not to mention electricians who will all be installing EV chargers at the highway rest stops until 2050ad.

Let us remember the promise of High Speed Rail...or the big DMV Computer update in the 1990's that is finally getting completed.

And all those encryption keys to keep track of....
...for an entire state? and how many different local "interfaces and access points"?

If your a teenager looking for good steady employment,,,and you want to play with CHP radios and walkie talkies and still support a small family??? I suggest you apply with the state radio shops asap...before all those unemployed Tech-coders from Santa Clara gobble up those jobs.

One thing for sure,
Your local "News Media" won't be here to help.

Scan Sexy!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Thank you for the link to the video. That 3 minutes showed more insight than I've seen elsewhere in a while. Unfortunately, after all these years, a change that will take my PRO-77 out of use. :(


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
Definitely worth watching. I wasn't aware they had such a problem with RFI in their vehicle lowband receivers, but it certainly makes sense. I see a lot even up at UHF. Hopefully it falls off, as expected, as you go higher (other than the elevated noise floor around cell sites).

I'm surprised they're relying on cell to work in areas where CRIS won't. Hopefully they will do (or already have done) a decent job of mapping that out. With 7,600 sworn as of 2019, CHP is the biggest state police agency in the country. I'll bet the M folks are pretty happy to get them back (at least the APX Next).


Dec 19, 2002
The CRIS system is growing and will continue to grow into the future. The video was short but informative. The APX NEXT will be used in areas where CRIS will have issues due to terrain. Other areas will stay with the APX8000's that they already carry. This will not be 100% coverage of the state land wise and that's always been noted. With that being said, there will be partner agencies (local, state, and federal) that will be joining the system. Based on that scenario, federal NTIA VHF spectrum will be in play also for CRIS.

Those that have been around for a while may remember the proposed PRISM statewide system. That fell apart due to the overall cost (Billion $+). As always politics was in play too. CHP broke away with CHPERS and did there thing. It's come full circle and I believe with the staff at OES PSC and state support this will continue on. While OES settled on Motorola infrastructure (and I won't fault them for that), it is a true P25 standards based system RF wise. Critical Connect is in place for the LTE integration and also for ISSI connections across the state to other systems.

Heavy use of encryption is the future. It's a bummer but also a reality.



Patch & Channels Clear...
Dec 19, 2002
The Internet
I have it on VERY good authority that the RFI CHP is experiencing is very real.

Real enough to the point that Ford told the CHP "If our vehicles don't work for you, go buy someone elses."


The point of diminishing returns has been reached. What's going to happen when some crap gets put in the cars that interferes with VHF/700? 800? UHF?

I don't see any of this coming to reality statewide for several years. There are still MANY, MANY agencies that need to be migrated to CRIS, and if you think the state is in a rush to throw its largest law enforcement agency on that system, well, wrong.

This was merely a pacifier video for the field troops to let them know the problem is known, recognized, and a solution is coming. But no word on when.

And man, they sure got on their knees for Motorola with that APX NEXT crap, didn't they. JUNQUE.