Hey Everybody, I've been trying to identify a new system that I noticed a while back, never really had much traffic to identify it with. Now I'm afraid it's gone.
The system has been running the last 4 years, and then yesterday I noticed that scanner is no longer decoding the control channel. There is data traffic on the frequency I can hear it in analog mode, but nothing will decode.
Is it a data system now? Is it possible to encrypt a control channel??? Is that even a thing?
I live in East Charlotte and the signal is coming in strong. The frequency is 857.2875
Below is a quick timeline that I have put together.
> September 2019 - I noticed the system came up on the air with some occasional keyups.
Traffic was always on tg:64001, tg:64002, or tg:64006
They never made mention of many details and couldn't figure out who it is.
> March 2020 - All traffic on the system ceased. (Start of the pandemic) So I figured the users went home.
> October 2021 - I was able to see some more keyups on 64006. Some talk of moving a bunch of trailers and a generator.
> July 2023, the control channel went away for about a week, but came back online.
> August 2023 - I can no longer decode the control channel, but there is traffic on the frequency.
Disclaimer, I haven't monitored this system 100% of the time, but if I was home it would be in my scan list. I'm sure I'm missed many conversations over time. Also, I'm not sure when exactly it came online, I noticed it in September 2019.
Any help to identify or any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
The system has been running the last 4 years, and then yesterday I noticed that scanner is no longer decoding the control channel. There is data traffic on the frequency I can hear it in analog mode, but nothing will decode.
Is it a data system now? Is it possible to encrypt a control channel??? Is that even a thing?
I live in East Charlotte and the signal is coming in strong. The frequency is 857.2875
Below is a quick timeline that I have put together.
> September 2019 - I noticed the system came up on the air with some occasional keyups.
Traffic was always on tg:64001, tg:64002, or tg:64006
They never made mention of many details and couldn't figure out who it is.
> March 2020 - All traffic on the system ceased. (Start of the pandemic) So I figured the users went home.
> October 2021 - I was able to see some more keyups on 64006. Some talk of moving a bunch of trailers and a generator.
> July 2023, the control channel went away for about a week, but came back online.
> August 2023 - I can no longer decode the control channel, but there is traffic on the frequency.
Disclaimer, I haven't monitored this system 100% of the time, but if I was home it would be in my scan list. I'm sure I'm missed many conversations over time. Also, I'm not sure when exactly it came online, I noticed it in September 2019.
Any help to identify or any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!