Found this write up:
LAGRANGE COUNTY, Ind. – A firefighting mom is battling the blaze of stage four breast cancer, and a group dedicated to supporting first responders threw her a surprise showing of encouragement Sunday. Up
From that write-up, it says 'Shields under fire' is an initiative within the Mongo VFD. That write-up said nothing at all about chaplins; or that Shields Under Fire is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit business.
I still question why a non-profit chaplin business (said very loosely) who operates statewide in Indiana and Michigan (according to their "District Map" images 'borrowed' from state-owned websites) needs a radio license for Lagrange Co Fire/EMS Disp, Statewide VHF Fire Mutual Aid, and the Mongo VFD Fireground channel. The Mongo VFD already has a valid, identical radio license.
The FCC application said Shields Under Fire is a BLS non-transport provider. Nowhere on their website did I see anything about them providing BLS medical service to anyone, anywhere. That was likely added as a reason why they want a license for public safety frequencies.
Let's get real, the Patriot Guard Riders, and The Freedom Riders (motorcycle groups) also participate in every public safety and military funeral. You suppose that's a valid reason for them to have access to SAFE-T, or ANY county's public safety frequencies?
Hypothetically, if ABC & Sons Chaplin service specializes in commercial airline pilot funerals, you suppose the FCC will give them a license for airband frequencies?