Copy of Note Sent to WUSA9
Fairfax County Public Safety Performers, Oops -Responders!
I know you use scanners for news tips! Did yow catch today's performance by Fairfax County's Public Safety Communications Personnel ? Advertised (NOT!) as a "DRILL", was equal to that of the original performance Orson Wells' War of the Worlds!
1.Performed using all the normally used public (safety?) radio station frequencies!
2. Not previously advertised ! (Thousands of Northern VA Scanner Listeners could have caused a mini mass panic! I got caught once a few years ago, so I was on to 'em! )
3.Done without interruption or mention during the morning long broadcast that it was a theatrical performance, err I mean Public Safety Drill! It's hard to see the scrolling disclaimer running across the bottom of my Pro-69 stating that This is not real! This is only a Drill!
But if this was a drill for our First Responders then my chances of survival or slim --- but at least in Fairfax County it will be entertaining!
Steve Worden
Centreville, Va (Sully Station District)
Fairfax County Public Safety Performers, Oops -Responders!
I know you use scanners for news tips! Did yow catch today's performance by Fairfax County's Public Safety Communications Personnel ? Advertised (NOT!) as a "DRILL", was equal to that of the original performance Orson Wells' War of the Worlds!
1.Performed using all the normally used public (safety?) radio station frequencies!
2. Not previously advertised ! (Thousands of Northern VA Scanner Listeners could have caused a mini mass panic! I got caught once a few years ago, so I was on to 'em! )
3.Done without interruption or mention during the morning long broadcast that it was a theatrical performance, err I mean Public Safety Drill! It's hard to see the scrolling disclaimer running across the bottom of my Pro-69 stating that This is not real! This is only a Drill!
But if this was a drill for our First Responders then my chances of survival or slim --- but at least in Fairfax County it will be entertaining!
Steve Worden
Centreville, Va (Sully Station District)