FPL cannot be trunked because they are on a narrowband EDACS. You have to enter all the frequencies for your area as a regular FM channel. You will hear the EDACS beeping noise at the end of every transmission though.
I asked the same question http://forums.radioreference.com/florida-radio-discussion-forum/81407-fpl.html
i have them programned into my pro 106 off this database but i never hear anything can someone explain what im doing wrong
I beg to differ. Don't know where the OP lives but.... I'm in the Sarasota / Manatee County area and FPL trunk tracks just fine here. Pefect reception.
Maybe it's different for the Unidens? (Based on your signature)
No problem trunk tracking FPL here in Brevard Co. on the east coast with Uniden.
I plugged in the LCN order you sent me and could hear just fine too, thx.I am hearing FPL TG's up in St Aug that are from down south. I'm not sure if anyone down there can hear St Aug TG. I think I fixed the problem up here I do not get the CC stick like it use to.
Brewkelyn said:I don't have my scanner with me but I quick-saved probably 4 or 5 additional talkgroups last night. A few were wierd with like a 3-digit number on the left end of my display and a 5-digit number on the right side, at the same time. Don't know what that's about.