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MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
Sleep timer for the sds200.

Other is has Uniden been trying to get digitals into national retail stores?


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
I've been reading the posts Joe, and that's why I asked. Out of all the suggestions/issues/bug reports that have been posted, which ones fall under the "when applicable" status? I think it's a good thing to be collecting this information, but where is it really going?

It is going into a spreadsheet that will be used as each phase is entered.

Here is part of the hardware sheet:

Short NameModel(s)DescriptionSource
J401SDS100J401 solderingJon Weinke
HumSDS200Hum on speakerVarious
Audio popSDS200Popping on speakerVarious/RR
Flickering displaySDS200Flickering displayVarious/RR
SDS200Fuzzy display - same as above?

I omitted some columns like the proposed fix and checkboxes for:
ReportedProposed fixFW to deptReported fixedVerified

Currently I think there are only a couple items on the software phase. What that phase is entered I will forward all those issues to management and work those.

They all fall under "when applicable" status. The "when applicable" part is when that phase begins.

In case you were thinking not all were applicable, that is not what that means. "When applicable" means I will not be submitting bugs (phase III) in the hardware phase (Phase I). Hardware, Software, Bugs (major then minor), then feature requests.

Did I explain it better that time?

P.S. Here are the checkboxes for the above:
ReportedProposed fixFW to deptReported fixedVerified

"Dept" could be engineering or service or both in the one case. As you can see there really is only one issue left - the flickering display (plus maybe fuzzy display). That is awaiting some research. Last I talked with the service dept they had not seen many cases of this.

Phase II (software) will start with or without verification of the above issues being confirmed fixed. Many times it will take months to verify that something is resolved. I may or may not be notified that something is forwarded to a department. I am usually CC'ed via email. In the top issue, management has reported the issue addressed at the service level and forwarded the matter to engineering/production. The one issue (fuzzy display) is a case of one report and may be the same as the flickering. It does not appear to be a systemic issue. But it is reported and is on the list to watch out for.

I expect Phase II to start soon, and not take too long.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
It is going into a spreadsheet that will be used as each phase is entered.

Here is part of the hardware sheet:

Short NameModel(s)DescriptionSource
J401SDS100J401 solderingJon Weinke
HumSDS200Hum on speakerVarious
Audio popSDS200Popping on speakerVarious/RR
Flickering displaySDS200Flickering displayVarious/RR
SDS200Fuzzy display - same as above?

I omitted some columns like the proposed fix and checkboxes for:
ReportedProposed fixFW to deptReported fixedVerified

Currently I think there are only a couple items on the software phase. What that phase is entered I will forward all those issues to management and work those.

They all fall under "when applicable" status. The "when applicable" part is when that phase begins.

In case you were thinking not all were applicable, that is not what that means. "When applicable" means I will not be submitting bugs (phase III) in the hardware phase (Phase I). Hardware, Software, Bugs (major then minor), then feature requests.

Did I explain it better that time?

Much clearer...


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
How about updating the software specification for the WAV file format for the SDS/HP series?

I think this is the latest version of the document:
Wave_File_Format_and_Contents_r3.pdf (

If you review this thread:

I think you'll see that there is data that is stored in the file that is displayed on the radio in playback mode that isn't properly documented in the specification. The back and forth in the thread is users sharing this missing information with the software developer of "Universal Scanner Audio Player".

The program is so much more useful than what Uniden supplies via the radio (expected) and Sentinel. Please consider providing all information so third party apps can completely support what is recorded. And also consider funding the developer, as his program adds a huge amount of value to recorded files. The ability to sort, and filter on WAV file tags helps to analyze and identify data that just isn't possible via the radio and Sentinel.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
There are a couple of critical things that, as far as I know anyway, are not covered anywhere, in neither the Uniden TWiki or ours.

How to properly program DMR (One Freq Trunk, DMR 1 through 3), MOTOTRBO (all forms), Hytera and NXDN programming (NEXEDGE / IDAS). This would apply to the 325P2 all the way to the SDS200 (with the appropriate firmware, of course). And it wouldn't hurt to include something for conventional P25 programming, too. Supplying specific examples using data from our database would go a long way in explaining this. Yes you can use a YouTube search, but some people (like me, if I had one of these radios) like a step by step approach - something that can be hard to follow on YouTube.

I realize it has been mostly 'figured out' by the more astute folks, but it should be covered in much more detail than what we have now - which is basically nothing. There are likely to be things that even the ones that have figured out have missed.

Having very incomplete hard copy user guides is so 1980s. The Twiki could be used for this. Time to move to the 21st century

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Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
There are a couple of critical things that, as far as I know anyway, are not covered anywhere, in neither the Uniden TWiki or ours.

How to properly program DMR (One Freq Trunk, DMR 1 through 3), MOTOTRBO (all forms), Hytera and NXDN programming (NEXEDGE / IDAS). This would apply to the 325P2 all the way to the SDS200 (with the appropriate firmware, of course). And it wouldn't hurt to include something for conventional P25 programming, too. Supplying specific examples using data from our database would go a long way in explaining this. Yes you can use a YouTube search, but some people (like me, if I had one of these radios) like a step by step approach - something that can be hard to follow on YouTube.

I'll see what I can do.


OH, PA, WV Regional Admin
Database Admin
Feb 5, 2003
I doubt the SDS series is capable hardware-wise due to SDR bandwidth, but someday it would be nice to have TV audio demod back in a portable receiver. ATSC channels are about 6MHz wide IIRC but not sure if the whole haystack needs to be received and decoded to just get audio or not. And whether or not that will change with ATSC 3.0 that is on the way. Wishful thinking anyway.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I doubt the SDS series is capable hardware-wise due to SDR bandwidth, but someday it would be nice to have TV audio demod back in a portable receiver. ATSC channels are about 6MHz wide IIRC but not sure if the whole haystack needs to be received and decoded to just get audio or not. And whether or not that will change with ATSC 3.0 that is on the way. Wishful thinking anyway.
There are multiple streams, including multiple audio streams. You'd need a way to select what you want. And while we've had ATSC 1.0 on the air for a couple of decades now, broadcasters have started to migrate to ATSC 3.0 which is not compatible. Seems like a lot of work needed just to get TV audio on a scanner.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
...And to decode the audio means you have to decode the entire stream.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
This is very much a wish-list type of deal, but it's a logical request, and is already being (partially) done by a freeware program;

  1. Does the weekly data dump for the HP series scanners filter out trunk types that can never be trunked (OpenSjky, TETRA,, iDen)? If not, it should. Can it be detected? The answer is yes. In the pre Pro-Voice firmware fixes, FreeScan - a freeware program for the first gen DMA scanners- will issue warnings if you try to manually download such a system.
  2. There are several system types that can't be trunked, but can be scanned conventionally. These include LTR Net, LTR MultiNet, LTR Passport, and MPT-1327. There are utilities that can handle this though. To that end, the user should be given an option of either downloading just the frequencies and build a conventional system from the frequencies, or to ignore them altogether. Again, it is possible to detect the system type during downloading.


Feed Provider
Feb 10, 2004
I could, but I also want to be careful to NOT step on toes, and it seems this is an issue for the service manager and management to decide. The person with the issue should call Customer Service and make your suggestion.

I also happen to know of one case where the scanner was 'messed with' to the point it may not be repairable (broken display, pinched wires, damaged connectors, shorted audio). In that case I believe they are going to offer a replacement unit at a discounted cost. But again that is between the service department and the customer.

BTW, that reply about a case inquiry took over a week and it was specifically due to the weather. That was stated in the reply with an apology for the delayed reply. You would normally never hear about that side of the service department adventures. (and I REALLY hope this is not the SAME CASE or I could understand the delay!!!)

I might just have to ask that question. However, even if I find it is the same case I would not post that here.

Just as an FYI, I did request if anything could be done to expedite the return and was told that I would have to wait. I can call back and ask for a manager, but I did not think that was an option.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
I didn't ask about this specific case, but in talking about something else I found that some parts are on order and have been for a while, so it's probable they are waiting too. (the 'something else' was about the pop issue - the last hardware issue to be addressed). I have no unit to test my theories, and neither does service currently - at least not one that has it on the FM bands.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
I'll chime in again here about the SDS series placing text field commas into the STS data output when the data is comma delimited.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
No need to chime in - it's on the list of requests.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
I didn't ask about this specific case, but in talking about something else I found that some parts are on order and have been for a while, so it's probable they are waiting too. (the 'something else' was about the pop issue - the last hardware issue to be addressed). I have no unit to test my theories, and neither does service currently - at least not one that has it on the FM bands.

One will be heading back to service the first of next week, I was waiting on the weather issues in TX to get resolved and back to some semblance of normal..


Premium Subscriber
Feb 1, 2021
Is there anyway of telling which filter the SDS100 is choosing when it's set to "Auto"? Knowing this could make manually setting the best one a lot simpler.
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