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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Motorola CM340 on 2m band?

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Apr 12, 2020
Hello folks,

prior to my question > so sorry for my stupidity or newbie (maybe thousand times answered) question...

I grabbed nice looking CM340 model MM304BB sn: Motorola MDM50KCN9AN2AN radio on the local flea market for bargain price.
Now until arriving it home I am interesting if it is possible to program it for 2m ham band please?
When I looked for spec before purchasing it I found that the range available is 136-174MHz.
Unfortunately after purchasing I found brochure where this sn / model has only 146-174MHz band range available.

So ...is it possible to set it to receiving in between 145-146MHz with offset -0,6MHz to transmitting there lower in band?
The minimum required frequency for transmitting is 145,0MHz...

Also I have no experiences with programming it so it will be probably nightmare isn't it?



Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
I don't know the CM340, but if like other VHF models, you can update firmware that has extended range then just program your ham frequencies. I know there are a few ham sites that may have fixes for this radio.
Those you just have to hunt for.
Give me some time to dig through my archives and I will see what I have for this radio.
You got the bargain for the higher split. Programming, you will need a cable for this then the programming software.
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Apr 12, 2020
I don't know the CM340, but if like other VHF models, you can update firmware that has extended range then just program your ham frequencies. I know there are a few ham sites that may have fixes for this radio.
Those you just have to hunt for.
Give me some time to dig through my archives and I will see what I have for this radio.
Dear Merlin,
excellent. Many thanks in advance...


Premium Subscriber
May 18, 2008
Santa Ynez, CA
There are some issues with this radio. The first is to get it to cover the entire 2 meter band. The second is that it is only a 10 channel radio and, thus, somewhat limited for ham use. Also, it uses 5 tone signalling and it is unclear whether it can use PL also. No PL would be useless for ham purposes and 5 tone isn't used in amateur radio as far as I know.

There are major differences between radios designed for ham use and those for commercial and public safety use. Ham radios have VFO's and commercial radios do not. Being able to switch to simplex and reverse to monitor the repeater input are not typically found on commercial radios. However, commercial radios may have better specs and be more rugged than ham radios. There are trade offs depending on your needs.

Have fun.
Apr 12, 2020
Hi John,

many thanks for basic info about it.
The main issue seems to be that I did not realized it is 5-Tone signalization radio before purchasing it.
The lack of PL/DCS/CTCSS tone in radio means that it will be useless for VHF repeaters but if so then it would be programmed for direct frequencies to be used for local activity events which are allowed on directs only.
The limited number of channels to 10 only should not be the big issue as we have 145,2-145,575MHz direct channels range available
so using 25k channel spacing it could cover part of that range...

I am using all of my Motorola radios for public safety services currently so I never though about usage it in ham band. So I am not experienced with that... I planned to use it on ham band as I prefer these radios for their excellent specs and rugged constructions exactly as You said.

Well I will have to more investigate around that...

Many thanks and best regards.


Order of the Golden Dino since 1972
Oct 24, 2009
Northville, NY (Fulton County)
Some corrections and clarifications:

First, the CM340 is the European version of the Commercial Series.

The brochure I found indicates that it does do Private Line which is Motorola’s name for CTCSS. It’s not clear from the literature if it also does DCS. A quick peek with the CPS will confirm or deny that.

As a European version, the five tone signaling is in place of QC-II and MDC.

I am not aware of an out of band hack for these radios. Search at repeaterbuilder.com and the batboard to be sure.

Given that these radios are several years EOL, and prices on the used market are generally around $100 US, I suggest that it would be easier to just find a J model (136-162) and sell off the K model.

You never said if you’re in the US or elsewhere so it is more difficult to give accurate info.


Order of the Golden Dino since 1972
Oct 24, 2009
Northville, NY (Fulton County)
I don't know the CM340, but if like other VHF models, you can update firmware that has extended range then just program your ham frequencies. I know there are a few ham sites that may have fixes for this radio.
Those you just have to hunt for.
Give me some time to dig through my archives and I will see what I have for this radio.
You got the bargain for the higher split. Programming, you will need a cable for this then the programming software.

Nope, firmware update won’t extend the band coverage.

It’s a european radio so there won’t be a wealth of info in the US amateur world. There’s very few hacks for the US versions. A quick search on the batboard will reveal them.
Apr 12, 2020
Hi Steve,

many thanks.
Well at first I am in Czech Republic, central Europe.
I paid for this piece $30 so it sounded good to me at the first time... :)

In general, many thanks for all information and help in advance.
The CTCSS availability sounds good. Main goal is if it would transmit also on 145MHz... If so it could be used at least on direct ham channels if the offset setting would be issue or even impossible. As I said all my current Motorola radios I am using as they where designed ...in public safety services so I never though or investigated around the hacking or trying to arrange to different setup... so no experiences at all even although I am using Motorola radios for many years. (The MX838 + Glock17 are my EDC :)

...or should I forget all if these and look for J model?

Best regards,


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Nope, firmware update won’t extend the band coverage.

It’s a european radio so there won’t be a wealth of info in the US amateur world. There’s very few hacks for the US versions. A quick search on the batboard will reveal them.
I was just going by the specs I dug up and seems the Euro model is jus one of a few configurations.
To top that off, programming can determine the Euro or not.
Specs say it does do PL DCS or CTCSS.
Seems the firmware determines the radio, not the hardware.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
A bit off on my post, looks like this is a European radio across the board. A commercial series.
This will program with the commercial CPS software via the mic connector.
Digging, I didn't find any firmware in Motorola files that extend the frequency down into the ham bands, but a site in Ireland has it, and hamfiles UK has it. Probably a site in Russia.
Batlabs denies it exists.
Amazing this is nearly identical mobile version of the PR400.
Its limits are 10 channels and 1-25 watt.
Apr 12, 2020
Well Merlin,
many thanks. I found the 5in1 Com RIBless programming cable for GP/CM series in the junk so if I will find the CPS soft then I could try to play with it. If it will not work on 145MHz at all then I still can use it on our PSS frequencies as second radio. (for $30 I must grab it :))
In fact one of the last analog frequencies/radios which we are using as most of our PSS services are going to be switched to digital...
Apr 12, 2020

so my CM340 arrived. It is in very good condition. Preprogrammed for 3ch only. No idea where currently. As I can not find the appropriate CPS I do not know if it will work for me in ham band yet. I will try to investigate around a bit more in few days.

Also during searching for CPS in junk I found long time unused MTS2000 (aka MTX838). As I do not need it if somebody wants it I will ship it for free > just shipping cost to be paid please... let me know.

Ahoj Petr
Apr 12, 2020
Hi all,

the proper cable for programming CM340 I found. The only problem is that is it an old RS232 port cable so I have to find the USB adapter with FTDI...) CPS for this kind of model I will have available soon too. I will let you know if it works and what can be programmed.

As I mentioned before I found long time unused MTS2000 (aka MTX838). As I do not need it if somebody wants it then I can ship it for free > just shipping cost to be paid please... let me know.
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