October 2&3, 2010 – West Liberty, IA – Southeast Iowa Hamfest / Iowa Convention.

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Dec 14, 2008
Davenport, IA
October 2&3, 2010 – West Liberty, IA – Southeast Iowa Hamfest / Iowa Convention.

The Muscatine Amateur Radio Club and the Washington Area Amateur Radio Club will present the 26th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest and ARRL Iowa Convention on Saturday and Sunday, October 2nd & 3rd, at the Muscatine County Fairgrounds in West Liberty, Iowa.
The Annual Wiener Roast will be held Saturday, October 2nd, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm with a meal price of $4 for adults and $2 for children 12 & under. Food and drink will be prepared by the West Liberty Boy Scouts and all proceeds will benefit the troop. Several ARRL VIPs will be in attendance for an informal meet and greet. Expected to attend are: Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, the Assistant Manager of the ARRL Membership Volunteer Programs Department; Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, the ARRL Midwest Division Director; and Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, the ARRL Midwest Division Vice-Director. A modest station will be set up for demonstration to those interested in learning more about amateur radio.
The hamfest on Sunday, October 3rd, from 7:00am to 1:00pm, features indoor and outdoor flea market, commercial vendors, license testing, food and drink. Several seminars are planned on a variety of topics: ARRL Logbook of the World, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, SKYWARN and the American Radio Relay League. There will be testing for all Amateur Radio license classes and DXCC/VUCC/WAS QSL card checking. All tickets are $5. Children age 14 and under are admitted free. Gates open at 7:00am. There will be hourly drawings for door prizes, including a cash grand prize drawing.
Indoor flea market table space is available for $8 per table. A "Tailgating" flea market space is free with paid admission and available on a first come, first serve basis. Electricity will be available for a fee. Vendor setup will commence on Saturday, October 2nd, from 3:00pm to 11:00pm, as well as Sunday, October 3rd beginning at 5:00am. Overnight camping will also be available for a fee.
For more information, visit Muscatine Amateur Radio Club Home Page or contact Tom Brehmer, N0LOH, at (563) 263-3097 or n0loh@arrl.org.


Dec 14, 2008
Davenport, IA
26th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest / 2010 ARRL Iowa Convention Schedule

26th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest / 2010 ARRL Iowa Convention Schedule

Sat. Oct 2
3:00pm - Hall and grounds open for Vendor / Flea Market set Up
6:00pm - Weiner Roast / Meet and Greet with special guests:
Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Assistant Manager of the ARRL Membership Volunteer Programs Department
Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, ARRL Midwest Division Director
Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, ARRL Midwest Division Vice-Director
11:00pm - Hall lock down

Sun. Oct 3.
5:00am - Hall and grounds open for Vendor / Flea Market set Up
7:00am - Gates open for general public
8:00am - ARES Seminar with Dan Miller, AC0OF, ARRL Iowa Section Emergency Coordinator
8:00am - Door Prize Drawing
9:00am - ARRL Logbook of the World Seminar with Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Assistant Manager of the ARRL Membership Volunteer Programs Department
9:00am - Door Prize Drawing
9:30am - FCC License Exams begin (No testing after 11:30am)
9:30am - ARRL DXCC / WAS / VUCC QSL Card Checking begins (ends at 11:30am)
10:00am - ARRL Seminar with Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, Midwest Director
10:00am - Door Prize Drawing
11:00am - SKYWARN Seminar with Donna Dubberke, KC5MDO, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service
11:00am - Door Prize Drawing
12:00pm - ARRL Logbook of the World Seminar with Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Assistant Manager of the ARRL Membership Volunteer Programs Department
12:00pm - Door Prize Drawing
1:00pm - Grand Prize Drawings
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