The Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 380 MHz system is up & running. CC is 386.8125. Heard some traffic on TG 27491, probably police.
Didn't catch the freq, but I have your freq for the system too. Didn't hear anything today. I did submit to the DB yesterday. This is for the Navy's nationwide system, the goal is to have two emergency services dispatch centers, one in Jacksonville, the other in San Diego.
Does PNSY or Mechanicsburg report any Peers (adjacent sites) on UniTrunker?
I had logged activity on RIDs 2000227-2000236 while on a field trip to Newport RI on Wednesday. That site is not being used yet as there was still activity on the Hi Band channels.
Still running unitrunker on this system 1-2 days a week. Some new radio ID's are showing up but spend most of the time offline. I have not been monitoring for voice comms but logged activity would seem to indicate we are still in commissioning stage.