That is kind of a tough question, as an example in Pensacola they use a 800mhz trunked system, the base uses a p25 digital system, Escambia County uses a 460mhz repeater system. Baldwin County Alabama uses a 154mhz repeater. I have a scanner mounted in my vehicle (not generally legal in this state unless you have a Ham License, news crew, security company etc..) you not only have to know the frequencies involved but the State Laws as well. My solution on my scanner is:
0 General Frequencies (Preprogrammed by RS) tends to have the analog non trunked police allocated frequencies.
1 General Frequencies 2 (more of bank 0)
2 Escambia County Frequencies
3 Pensacola City Trunk
4 Baldwin County Frequencies
5 Santa Rosa County Frequencies
6 Mobile County Frequencies
7 Mobile City Trunk
8 Navy Blue Angel Frequencies
9 Civilian Comms (Repeaters, FRS, GMRS, MURSetc...) Duplicated in my FT-857D
As I travel throughout my area I simply turn on that bank. If I go outside the Mobile to Santa Rosa area, I already have 9 banks programmed in my computer north load, east load, and west load. I simply upload the file I need to the scanner before I leave home or at a rest stop.
Theoretically all govt, police, and fire are supposed to go to p25 phase II Digital system to allow interoperability in a national emergency, That is proceeding at the speed of Govt Contracting, You may see it by the year 3000.
Hope this helps, you are at the right place to find the frequencies.