President Barack Obama visiting San Diego and Los Angeles Area on September 26, 2011
President Barack Obama visiting San Diego and Los Angeles Area on September 26, 2011
Obama's September Silicon Valley, La Jolla fundraisers
On Sept. 26, Obama will head to the San Diego area. He'll headline a noon lunch limited to 160 people at the home of Elizabeth and Mason Phelps in La Jolla.
The Obama fundraiser there requires a $5,000 per person donation for general admission; $10,000 per person for a photo line, and $35,800 per couple to be a VIP co-chair.
He is scheduled to attend a fundraising reception on the afternoon of Sept. 25 at the Woodside home of John Thompson, chairman of Symantec; the cost is $2,500 per ticket, or $7,500 to have a photo taken with the president.
After the Thompson fundraiser, Obama will attend a dinner fundraiser at the Atherton home of Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg; that's event costs $35,800 per plate, and it reportedly will include a question-and-answer period after the president's remarks.
The president is expected to visit Seattle before coming to the Bay Area on Sept. 25. He then will visit the San Diego and Los Angeles areas Sept. 26, and the Denver area Sept. 27 before returning to Washington.
United States Secret Service (USSS) frequencies are in use nationwide.
MT Fed Files Blog- USSS Search.
If anyone hears any stuff being used(Secret Service,etc) for this event.
Please also post the details with P25 NAC tones on SoCalFedCom or NorCalFedCom.
SoCalFedCom Blog / Excellent Resource
NorCalFedCom - Northern California Area Coverage.
(Check for Silicon Valley in Northern California area notes for this event before he comes to Southern California)
[See the San Francisco area topic for that part of the trip.]
RR Topic:
President Barack Obama visiting San Diego and Los Angeles Area on September 26, 2011
Obama's September Silicon Valley, La Jolla fundraisers
On Sept. 26, Obama will head to the San Diego area. He'll headline a noon lunch limited to 160 people at the home of Elizabeth and Mason Phelps in La Jolla.
The Obama fundraiser there requires a $5,000 per person donation for general admission; $10,000 per person for a photo line, and $35,800 per couple to be a VIP co-chair.
He is scheduled to attend a fundraising reception on the afternoon of Sept. 25 at the Woodside home of John Thompson, chairman of Symantec; the cost is $2,500 per ticket, or $7,500 to have a photo taken with the president.
After the Thompson fundraiser, Obama will attend a dinner fundraiser at the Atherton home of Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg; that's event costs $35,800 per plate, and it reportedly will include a question-and-answer period after the president's remarks.
The president is expected to visit Seattle before coming to the Bay Area on Sept. 25. He then will visit the San Diego and Los Angeles areas Sept. 26, and the Denver area Sept. 27 before returning to Washington.
United States Secret Service (USSS) frequencies are in use nationwide.
MT Fed Files Blog- USSS Search.
If anyone hears any stuff being used(Secret Service,etc) for this event.
Please also post the details with P25 NAC tones on SoCalFedCom or NorCalFedCom.
SoCalFedCom Blog / Excellent Resource
NorCalFedCom - Northern California Area Coverage.
(Check for Silicon Valley in Northern California area notes for this event before he comes to Southern California)
[See the San Francisco area topic for that part of the trip.]
RR Topic:
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