To the OP and the rest trying to follow the original topic, I am sorry about the OT posts that were in here, but with the language barrier I didn't want to move them off until we got him at least with a working system. I have taken that entire portion of the thread and split it off into
a topic of its own.
And to this:
This is not a universally held opinion. First, features ignored, the Uniden is easier to program and easier to operate (despite an inaccurate statement posted somewhere here). Second, the Pro-96/2096 does have better sounding audio but it does not perform better than my BCD396T, even on digital; and yes I own them all. People who complain about digital should look the system and individual adjustments first before blaming the radio. Besides, why would I have a radio that is limited to 500 channels in 10 banks (at any one time) when I can have a radio that has 6000 channels in 400 systems all the time?