Yes but you need to change the scanner type via Menu --> Scanner Type so Proscan knows which model it's dealing with. See the bottom of page 4 of the online Proscan manual for further detailsIs programming the SDS 200 like programming the BCD536HP when using Proscan
You mean here?What is the housekeeping feature I read about
Do you have the scanner in Serial Port mode (normal operation) and not the Mass Storage mode?I have the sds 200 usb plugged in to the pc but it's not showing the screen on proscan do I need to finish initial setup before it will show up on proscan
USBDo you have the scanner in Serial Port mode (normal operation) and not the Mass Storage mode?
Do you want the display data to come from the USB or LAN connection?
Ensure that the scanner is in Serial Port mode (normal operation) and not the Mass Storage mode.
What does NAC mean
From the easier to read manual which I've referred you to on more than one occasion:What does NAC mean and what it does I'm not familiar with it I have it on wasn't sure if I should leave it on ignore or on
Site NAC Operation This allows the scanner to ignore a transmission from a different trunk system that utilizes one or more of the same frequencies that your site uses. |
This allows you to have the scanner ignore or use programmed NAC codes for trunking systems. The default setting is Search. |
Scroll to Use Site Nac or Ignore Site NAC and press E/yes. |