BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Uniden BCD436HP! Help me!

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Mar 24, 2022
Hi! When I ordered the keys for Uniden BCD436HP, I did not update the scanner.
could this be the reason?

but he accepted the keys ... but he doesn’t voice the channels, they can’t all be digital and encoded !!!

all the keys (ProVoice, DMR, NXDN) activated, but the scanner still does not work: Func + search or Q.Search. there is a noise, a beep sound ... when it stops on a wave, there is no broadcast. why?

- what is the problem?
- modulation auto!

- We don't have this system in Ukraine???


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
We need more information. What systems are you trying to pick up in Ukraine? What are some frequencies you want to hear? What are you using as a source for frequencies and systems you want to hear?

Something to check right away. Make sure you have the latest firmware update. Make sure all "service types" are turned on.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
there is a noise, a beep sound ... when it stops on a wave, there is no broadcast. why?
When you hear noise and then beep it is not P25, NXDN or DMR system, it is something else, perhaps encrypted EDACS.

If you could enter keys then the firmware are good. Do search of all bands to check for signals that can be decoded. 70MHz-80MHz, 137MHz-175MHz and 400MHz-475MHz. You can program 3 of the 10 different search banks with these frequencies but you will have to set the correct channel step, try 12,5KHz for all. There is no service type to set in search mode and it should automatically decode the signal if it is digital P25, DMR or NXDN.



W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
When you hear noise and then beep it is not P25, NXDN or DMR system, it is something else, perhaps encrypted EDACS.

If you could enter keys then the firmware are good. Do search of all bands to check for signals that can be decoded. 70MHz-80MHz, 137MHz-175MHz and 400MHz-475MHz. You can program 3 of the 10 different search banks with these frequencies but you will have to set the correct channel step, try 12,5KHz for all. There is no service type to set in search mode and it should automatically decode the signal if it is digital P25, DMR or NXDN.

You definitely understand the European version better than me Ubbe LOL. I wonder if the original poster will ever return, that was their only post.


Mar 24, 2022
When you hear noise and then beep it is not P25, NXDN or DMR system, it is something else, perhaps encrypted EDACS.

If you could enter keys then the firmware are good. Do search of all bands to check for signals that can be decoded. 70MHz-80MHz, 137MHz-175MHz and 400MHz-475MHz. You can program 3 of the 10 different search banks with these frequencies but you will have to set the correct channel step, try 12,5KHz for all. There is no service type to set in search mode and it should automatically decode the signal if it is digital P25, DMR or NNXD

Hi! thanks ... the step was set to 12.5 MHz ... I scanned from 25 to 1300 MHz ...
absolutely does not help ... does not work .. how to set it up from the problem ... I will not buy anything else in the USA.
- how to turn it on to work?

Uniden support service is silent, there is no answer to emails ... the attitude of capitalists is bad towards buyers! I do not recommend dealing with this company!
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 24, 2022
You definitely understand the European version better than me Ubbe LOL. I wonder if the original poster will ever return, that was their only post.

I never heard a comment from you, I hope ubbe lol, this was not sent to me ... what other options are there?


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I never heard a comment from you, I hope ubbe lol, this was not sent to me ... what other options are there?
Yes I did reply to you, you are new to The Forum and your first comments are moderated by the administration of radio reference. My reply may have got lost in the mail.

Operations and band allocations are different in Europe. Your most knowledgeable person here on the forum is Ubbe.

Don't blame capitalism LOL :)

Uniden is a good company. The radio is very complicated and has a high level of technology. It's difficult to operate for someone who is not familiar with the radio. There is also a language barrier, I can appreciate that.

Hang in there and stay with it. Other people will try to help also. It takes time... Bob.


Mar 24, 2022
We need more information. What systems are you trying to pick up in Ukraine? What are some frequencies you want to hear? What are you using as a source for frequencies and systems you want to hear?

Something to check right away. Make sure you have the latest firmware update. Make sure all "service types" are turned on.

Yes I did reply to you, you are new to The Forum and your first comments are moderated by the administration of radio reference. My reply may have got lost in the mail.

Operations and band allocations are different in Europe. Your most knowledgeable person here on the forum is Ubbe.

Don't blame capitalism LOL :)

Uniden is a good company. The radio is very complicated and has a high level of technology. It's difficult to operate for someone who is not familiar with the radio. There is also a language barrier, I can appreciate that.

Hang in there and stay with it. Other people will try to help also. It takes time... Bob.

I didn't get help from you how to set up do you know or not?!
message about ...capitalism i reported but i don't lol, stop hurting me!
it's you LOL!
- you are talking with your tongue ... but there is no sense from you!
if you know, then help activate and configure the scanner or weakly?


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Uniden support service is silent, there is no answer to emails
They want you to telephone them as they want to ask a question and your answer will decide what direction their next questions will be. It will take too much time for them if doing it by email. And of course they have no clue what systems and frequencies to scan in Ukraine.

The SDS scanner are a nightmare to use if you do not live in US/Canada and have access to a systems database that are already configured to be used in a very easy way.

Europe doesn't allow any systems to be operating above 470MHz. If you configure search between 400-470MHz using 6,25kHz step you will have to find some systems running, probably in DMR mode.

Go to Menu/Srch/CloCall Opt and Broadcast Screen and Set All Band Off.

Go to Menu/Search For../Edit Custom/Custom 1. Set Search Limit to 400 as Lower Limit and 470 as Upper Limit.
Set Delay Time to -10 sec. (negative 10)
Set Modulation to FM
Set Step to 6.25kHz
Push Menu to back up to Custom Search. Push digit 0 up to 9 so that only 1 are in use -1---------
Push Fn (lower side button) and then Replay/Record to start recording.
Set SQ level to 2.

It will now save all audio it finds to the SD card. You can turn down volume if you like.

After a day or two you can replay the sound files and see if it would decode any of the digital systems, if there are any.

If you hear digital data from a sound file you can zip that and post here on RR with your message, or put on Google Drive, and we can listen to it and probably know what type of system it is.

I prefere to move all files to my PC and then analyze using: Universal Scanner Audio Player



Mar 24, 2022
They want you to telephone them as they want to ask a question and your answer will decide what direction their next questions will be. It will take too much time for them if doing it by email. And of course they have no clue what systems and frequencies to scan in Ukraine.

The SDS scanner are a nightmare to use if you do not live in US/Canada and have access to a systems database that are already configured to be used in a very easy way.

Europe doesn't allow any systems to be operating above 470MHz. If you configure search between 400-470MHz using 6,25kHz step you will have to find some systems running, probably in DMR mode.

Go to Menu/Srch/CloCall Opt and Broadcast Screen and Set All Band Off.

Go to Menu/Search For../Edit Custom/Custom 1. Set Search Limit to 400 as Lower Limit and 470 as Upper Limit.
Set Delay Time to -10 sec. (negative 10)
Set Modulation to FM
Set Step to 6.25kHz
Push Menu to back up to Custom Search. Push digit 0 up to 9 so that only 1 are in use -1---------
Push Fn (lower side button) and then Replay/Record to start recording.
Set SQ level to 2.

It will now save all audio it finds to the SD card. You can turn down volume if you like.

After a day or two you can replay the sound files and see if it would decode any of the digital systems, if there are any.

If you hear digital data from a sound file you can zip that and post here on RR with your message, or put on Google Drive, and we can listen to it and probably know what type of system it is.

I prefere to move all files to my PC and then analyze using: Universal Scanner Audio Player


thanks. but already done ... frequency 422 .... MHz
on the display: Color code 4, slot1 and 2, DMR, ENC but a bad signal...is it a number and encrypted??? Yes!

ok, but how to amplify the signal reception? Is there a setting in the scanner itself?

- other frequencies do not open, do not read!
- let's check the settings ... how are you? write! I am ready to pay 100 - 500 dollars if you help me set it up!!! what visa card do you have? card number? waiting for an answer!


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
- other frequencies do not open, do not read!
When using the scanners own antenna you probably don't hear much as it is made for the 800Mhz band. I maybe can hear one system very weak with that antenna. I have to use roof antenna and the biggest ones I can find. I have Diamond X510 and Yagi 14dBi gain to be able to hear something. There is not much you can do in the scanners setting and you will need a bigger antenna high up in the air. Just check that the display do not show Att.

Encryption in DMR are common in europe as it doesn't cost anything extra to use. Maybe 75% of systems are encrypted.

You can make other search ranges. For range 2 make 137-174MHz and for range 3 68-87MHz and both with 6,25kHz step and let search for a couple of days to find systems you can receive with that antenna. But you at least will need another antenna on the scanner to improve reception.



Mar 24, 2022
When using the scanners own antenna you probably don't hear much as it is made for the 800Mhz band. I maybe can hear one system very weak with that antenna. I have to use roof antenna and the biggest ones I can find. I have Diamond X510 and Yagi 14dBi gain to be able to hear something. There is not much you can do in the scanners setting and you will need a bigger antenna high up in the air. Just check that the display do not show Att.

Encryption in DMR are common in europe as it doesn't cost anything extra to use. Maybe 75% of systems are encrypted.

You can make other search ranges. For range 2 make 137-174MHz and for range 3 68-87MHz and both with 6,25kHz step and let search for a couple of days to find systems you can receive with that antenna. But you at least will need another antenna on the scanner to improve reception.


thanks! I have an antenna
Diamond RH - 771 on 2 bands 144 and 430!

- but I don't know when it will work... but how can I understand the ProVoice and NXDN system whether it works or not?
maybe we’ll check the settings anyway ... maybe I turned it off ...

- is analog reception when it is transmitted by walkie-talkie or by an old-style radio station? and why half of the conversation is lost in the instructions it says ...

What is your waiting threshold and level? delay time?
when the repeater and attenuator are turned on?

- IFX when needed?
Why tone out?
- sqvelch 2? what number do you have?


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
thanks! I have an antenna Diamond RH - 771 on 2 bands 144 and 430!
Then its a bit better than standard antenna. Can you go outside to mountain top and listen? Or antenna on roof?
- but I don't know when it will work... but how can I understand the ProVoice and NXDN system whether it works or not?
maybe we’ll check the settings anyway ... maybe I turned it off ...
There's no way to turn it off. It is always on in search mode.
- is analog reception when it is transmitted by walkie-talkie or by an old-style radio station? and why half of the conversation is lost in the instructions it says ...
Yes, mostly walkie talkie are heard as one sided and are mostly analog. But even new systems can be analog. If a systems basestation are setup as simplex you will often just hear one side, when using a bad antenna, but both sides if system use duplex in a repeater or using a very good antenna.
What is your waiting threshold and level? delay time?
Digital Waiting are non important so set to 0mS. Treshold can be set to manual and 8 but can need fine tuning to 6 up to 10 depending of the system but doesn't matter much.
when the repeater and attenuator are turned on?
Attenuator only used if too strong signal are received. It never happens with antenna on scanner, only with roof antenna. Repeater only works with USA systems as it depends on the TX/RX frequency bandplan.
- IFX when needed?
If you receive a strong signal it can sometimes be heard on other frequencies and using IFX can sometimes help to get rid of the false signal.
Why tone out?
Only for USA that have special alarm system for Fire brigades.
- sqvelch 2? what number do you have?
2 is good. Only increase to higher number if you get noise interferences on some channels.



Mar 24, 2022
Тоді це трохи краще, ніж стандартна антена. Чи можете ви вийти на вулицю на вершину гори і послухати? Або антена на даху?
Вимкнути його неможливо. Він завжди ввімкнено в режимі пошуку.
Так, переважно рації звучать як односторонні та переважно аналогові. Але навіть нові системи можуть бути аналоговими. Якщо системна базова станція налаштована як симплексна, ви часто почуєте лише одну сторону при використанні поганої антени, але обидві сторони, якщо система використовує дуплекс у ретрансляторі або використовує дуже хорошу антену.
Цифрове очікування не важливе, тому встановіть значення 0 мс. Порогове значення можна встановити вручну та 8, але може знадобитися тонка настройка до від 6 до 10 залежно від системи, але це не має великого значення.
Атенюатор використовується лише у разі отримання занадто сильного сигналу. Це ніколи не відбувається з антеною на сканері, тільки з антеною на даху. Повторювач працює лише з системами США, оскільки залежить від частотного плану TX/RX.
Якщо ви отримуєте сильний сигнал, іноді його можна почути на інших частотах, а використання IFX іноді може допомогти позбутися помилкового сигналу.
Тільки для США, які мають спеціальну сигналізацію для пожежних команд.
2 добре. Збільшуйте значення до більшого, лише якщо на деяких каналах виникають шумові перешкоди.


Thanks! you can check it on the street, but it’s dangerous ... we have a war going on ... bombs, tanks shoot people with weapons, whoever they come across on the street!

Putin ordered to destroy our country, Russia is a terrible enemy of all people, so they can see and mistake for an enemy ...

- What state do you live in? How long have you had this Uniden model?

radius in set your location how much do you have? 20 miles or...?

- edit .. same latitude and longitude coordinates?
- does save location affect terrain point? can you put yours..?
- select service types ... on 5 on. fire, ems...custom 1, how are you?
I don't remember how it was when I turned on the scanner for the first time. why before custom 8 dash no off no on! how are you? could it affect reception?

- srhc/clocallopt: do you have set band on or off?
- each band .. all on
- program band you recorded all frequencies on user from
0 - 9?
- repeater?
- set delay time how much do you have, what do you recommend me?

what does he decide?
if negative -5,-10 .. +30

- your attenuator is on, since the signal is strong, and I have a 38 cm antenna, why shouldn't I turn it on? Yes?

-set audio agc ??? analog and digital?

- waiting time?
- d. threshold mode - . ?auto,m. or d.?

- d. t.level...?
thanks! In what city do you live? and what is your name?


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
- What state do you live in? How long have you had this Uniden model?
I had the 436 maybe for 3 years and 536 that are almost identical for maybe 6 years.
radius in set your location how much do you have? 20 miles or...?- edit .. same latitude and longitude coordinates?- does save location affect terrain point? can you put yours..?
All that are only for location control of scanning lists when you travel. No use for it in europe. You make one favorite list for your town and another favorite list for another town. When you travel to next town you turn off list for your town and turn on list for the next town. But you will need to program the lists yourself and have knowledge of what can be received and scanned.
- select service types ... on 5 on. fire, ems...custom 1, how are you?
Is not used in europe as it is much less to monitor here compared to USA. Have all service types to On in Sentinel profile, but you will probably only have Custom 1 in your scanner.
I don't remember how it was when I turned on the scanner for the first time. why before custom 8 dash no off no on! how are you? could it affect reception?
You can only turn On service type that exists in scanner, so you do not have type 8, so do not affect reception.
- srhc/clocallopt: do you have set band on or off?
Set On to all bands except 800MHz+ In Broadcast Screen set FM and UHF TV to On.
- program band you recorded all frequencies on user from 0 - 9?
You can divide up frequencies to different search bands. If you have 137-145MHz you can set 12,5KHz step and for 166-175Mhz you can have 6,25KHz in another band, whatever matches your frequency bandplan in your country.
- repeater?
If it receives a signal from a portable it will automatically listen to the basestations frequency, if it is a duplex system. Frequencies in bandplan are not correct for europe so only useable in USA.
- set delay time how much do you have, what do you recommend me?
I recommend 10sec for unknown systems and 5sec for systems that you know well.
what does he decide? if negative -5,-10 .. +30
If you set -10 it will only listen for 10 sec and then continue to scan. So if scanner stops on a constant datasignal it will not get stuck there forever. Only use negative value with Search and not for Scan.
- your attenuator is on, since the signal is strong, and I have a 38 cm antenna, why shouldn't I turn it on? Yes?
All signals will be attenuated by 20dB, 100 times, and you will receive almost nothing. So keep Off. If you get overload in scanner you will have to move away from the strong transmitter and do not use Attenuator.
-set audio agc ??? analog and digital?
Always set to On. It only affects audio sound level.
- waiting time?
Only for mute of audio of first mS when receiving a signal. Only for audio to not hear datasignal, do not use, set to 0.
- d. threshold mode - . ?auto,m. or d.?
It sets the digital decoder level and if set to Auto it can make false adjustments so you do not decode digital signals. Set to Manual 8 to be safe. If receiving weak signal you can fine tune value, Fn+push on volume+Fn+push on volume to adjust value to get best reception of digital signal.
In what city do you live? and what is your name?
I live in Stockholm Sweden and my name is Ubbe, an old Viking name, or actually Urban but everyone, even strangers, say Ubbe except my Mom who refuses using anything than the birth name she gave me.



Mar 24, 2022
I had the 436 maybe for 3 years and 536 that are almost identical for maybe 6 years.
All that are only for location control of scanning lists when you travel. No use for it in europe. You make one favorite list for your town and another favorite list for another town. When you travel to next town you turn off list for your town and turn on list for the next town. But you will need to program the lists yourself and have knowledge of what can be received and scanned.
Is not used in europe as it is much less to monitor here compared to USA. Have all service types to On in Sentinel profile, but you will probably only have Custom 1 in your scanner.
You can only turn On service type that exists in scanner, so you do not have type 8, so do not affect reception.
Set On to all bands except 800MHz+ In Broadcast Screen set FM and UHF TV to On.
You can divide up frequencies to different search bands. If you have 137-145MHz you can set 12,5KHz step and for 166-175Mhz you can have 6,25KHz in another band, whatever matches your frequency bandplan in your country.
If it receives a signal from a portable it will automatically listen to the basestations frequency, if it is a duplex system. Frequencies in bandplan are not correct for europe so only useable in USA.
I recommend 10sec for unknown systems and 5sec for systems that you know well.
If you set -10 it will only listen for 10 sec and then continue to scan. So if scanner stops on a constant datasignal it will not get stuck there forever. Only use negative value with Search and not for Scan.
All signals will be attenuated by 20dB, 100 times, and you will receive almost nothing. So keep Off. If you get overload in scanner you will have to move away from the strong transmitter and do not use Attenuator.
Always set to On. It only affects audio sound level.
Only for mute of audio of first mS when receiving a signal. Only for audio to not hear datasignal, do not use, set to 0.
It sets the digital decoder level and if set to Auto it can make false adjustments so you do not decode digital signals. Set to Manual 8 to be safe. If receiving weak signal you can fine tune value, Fn+push on volume+Fn+push on volume to adjust value to get best reception of digital signal.
I live in Stockholm Sweden and my name is Ubbe, an old Viking name, or actually Urban but everyone, even strangers, say Ubbe except my Mom who refuses using anything than the birth name she gave me.


thanks! We are at war, you know? What do you say and show on TV about this?

- how to distinguish scanning from searching? F + quick search .... what is this?

- offset what is its purpose?

- err...8 man
T 1.41. 1.65. 1.89 pressed f + vol, f + vol what do these numbers mean?

- Is there a universal antenna for 3 bands? from 25 - 1300 MHz?

- maybe the antenna production scheme is how to do it yourself? handmade!

- how to hear truckers on the CB band?

- around me (I check the operation of the scanner in the apartment) 16 and 22 storey buildings .. can this interfere with the reception of the wave?

What about high buildings in Stockholm? 5 floors or more?

- Have you checked the factory antenna to the scanner? How do you know what is receiving at 800 MHz?

- set search key ...what keys and what to enter?

- why at the top I press: system on the display
FO :------------ SO :-1----------
Tag:01.01.---??? what is this?

- and also set CC Mode (off, ccDND, ccPriority) what should I enable? dnd?
- manage Quick Key Status: press : favor q.key - faile no quick keys Assigned . ???? what do you need to enter?

- set scan selection:
press set Nationwide s.: faile no nationwide system is in range.Change location setting.???
does not work? receives frequencies like for the USA ???

- When do you advise me to turn on the repeater?
I noticed when the radio is on the same frequencies as the scanner, then Uniden better receives auto-sync happens ... do I need to turn on the repeater?

Is it because of a weak signal that uniden is silent and does not voice the conversation? can this be? antenna bar appears on the display and disappears...

thanks for discussing the topic!
When the war is over, come visit Ukraine! we will be glad to see! to the connection! ...73


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
What do you say and show on TV about this?
That is for another forum, not RR.
- how to distinguish scanning from searching? F + quick search .... what is this?
Top of display at first line will say "search". For scan it will says F---- and the number of the favorite lists, if you have set quick keys. Quick search does a search of the whole frequency range of the scanner, 25-1100MHz and you can switch direction up or down with the dial control.

- offset what is its purpose?
If you receive a frequency from a repeater you can monitor the repeater RX frequency when using rev, Fn+8. If you listen to 2m amateur radio on 145.000Mhz you can do Fn+8 and listen to 144.400, where the mobiles transmit, while you hold in the 8 button. It only works for 2m amateur, not 70cm or not even with international marine ship frequencies in 155-162MHz range.

- err...8 man T 1.41. 1.65. 1.89 pressed f + vol, f + vol what do these numbers mean?
It is the voltage levels where the decoder looks for the floor of signal, middle and top but have no use to you. It depends of systems modulation, and if the signal have noise. It is the Err:-- value that has to be as low as possible when adjusting the dial. A 0 value are perfect and a 5 value starts to gets a bad decode with bad audio. After Err:0 are the value and "MAN" you can adjust between 5-13 after a third Fn and then turn dial.

- Is there a universal antenna for 3 bands? from 25 - 1300 MHz?
That would be a discone type. Some people have it in their room and some in the attic, if they cannot have it on balcony or roof.

- maybe the antenna production scheme is how to do it yourself? handmade!
Any big antenna will improve reception in one narrow band but hopefully also in other bands. The best antenna are the one you can have as high up as possible.

- how to hear truckers on the CB band?
In my country they most often use SSB, so not possible to monitor. But it can either be AM or FM for international truckers but needs a big antenna do get a signal.

- around me (I check the operation of the scanner in the apartment) 16 and 22 storey buildings .. can this interfere with the reception of the wave?
Yes it will but depends of where the signal are coming from.

What about high buildings in Stockholm? 5 floors or more?
I think 34 floor on the highest. 120 meters. Then several 80-90 meters.

- Have you checked the factory antenna to the scanner? How do you know what is receiving at 800 MHz?
It is a dual band 155Mhz and 800Mhz antenna. It will also receive somewhat at 3x155=460Mhz

- set search key ...what keys and what to enter?
It is linked to the search band. If you set search band 1 to 400-470 if will be on Fn+1. You only have search key for band 1-2-3

- why at the top I press: system on the display
FO :------------ SO :-1----------
Tag:01.01.---??? what is this?
It is favorite list for F and system for S. You have to set quick keys to each favorite list and each system to get access to them. The Tag are for Number Tag and going directly to a systems frequency or site and monitor manually only that and not scan or search. You have to program each conventional frequency and site if you want to use them with Number Tags. You stop scan by pushing CHAN button then enter number tag and the CHAN again. I do not use quick keys or number tag. It's all a mess, hard to remember and only confuse.

- and also set CC Mode (off, ccDND, ccPriority) what should I enable? dnd?
Yes, DND will only use closecall when not monitoring a call, so it will not interfere.

- manage Quick Key Status: press : favor q.key - faile no quick keys Assigned . ???? what do you need to enter?
Easiest to use Sentinel, but I advice against using it.

- set scan selection:press set Nationwide s.: faile no nationwide system is in range.Change location setting.???
does not work? receives frequencies like for the USA ???
Only works in USA. You can try and see how it works if you enter a zip code as location, 10001 for New York City.

- When do you advise me to turn on the repeater?

I noticed when the radio is on the same frequencies as the scanner, then Uniden better receives auto-sync happens ... do I need to turn on the repeater?
Don't know this. Is it interference signal you receive from radio? Then it is a common problem when having several radio devices close together. You should try the IFX setting, Fn+7.

Is it because of a weak signal that uniden is silent and does not voice the conversation? can this be? antenna bar appears on the display and disappears...
The signal bar only show when squelch opens when receiving a signal. It could be a digital signal that it cannot decode if it disappears, or a idle channel when no one talks, or the wrong setting for digital system like LCN error or could be interference. If you get signal bar but no audio then push CHAN to stop scan and then set squelch to 0 to listen if it is data or noise or interference. I suggest to do Fn+REPLAY to always record what is received to be absle to listen to later and analyze.

When the war is over, come visit Ukraine! we will be glad to see!
I've been to Odessa and installed a radio system and it was a beautiful town and country. Then took cruising ship to Georgien to install next system. A lovely trip and good times with the people, very friendly and helpful and excellent food. When ending up in Vladivostok also nice people but not so much the food and the town. The only thing they had plenty of was vodka.



Mar 24, 2022
That is for another forum, not RR.
Top of display at first line will say "search". For scan it will says F---- and the number of the favorite lists, if you have set quick keys. Quick search does a search of the whole frequency range of the scanner, 25-1100MHz and you can switch direction up or down with the dial control.

If you receive a frequency from a repeater you can monitor the repeater RX frequency when using rev, Fn+8. If you listen to 2m amateur radio on 145.000Mhz you can do Fn+8 and listen to 144.400, where the mobiles transmit, while you hold in the 8 button. It only works for 2m amateur, not 70cm or not even with international marine ship frequencies in 155-162MHz range.

It is the voltage levels where the decoder looks for the floor of signal, middle and top but have no use to you. It depends of systems modulation, and if the signal have noise. It is the Err:-- value that has to be as low as possible when adjusting the dial. A 0 value are perfect and a 5 value starts to gets a bad decode with bad audio. After Err:0 are the value and "MAN" you can adjust between 5-13 after a third Fn and then turn dial.

That would be a discone type. Some people have it in their room and some in the attic, if they cannot have it on balcony or roof.

Any big antenna will improve reception in one narrow band but hopefully also in other bands. The best antenna are the one you can have as high up as possible.

In my country they most often use SSB, so not possible to monitor. But it can either be AM or FM for international truckers but needs a big antenna do get a signal.

Yes it will but depends of where the signal are coming from.

I think 34 floor on the highest. 120 meters. Then several 80-90 meters.

It is a dual band 155Mhz and 800Mhz antenna. It will also receive somewhat at 3x155=460Mhz

It is linked to the search band. If you set search band 1 to 400-470 if will be on Fn+1. You only have search key for band 1-2-3

It is favorite list for F and system for S. You have to set quick keys to each favorite list and each system to get access to them. The Tag are for Number Tag and going directly to a systems frequency or site and monitor manually only that and not scan or search. You have to program each conventional frequency and site if you want to use them with Number Tags. You stop scan by pushing CHAN button then enter number tag and the CHAN again. I do not use quick keys or number tag. It's all a mess, hard to remember and only confuse.

Yes, DND will only use closecall when not monitoring a call, so it will not interfere.

Easiest to use Sentinel, but I advice against using it.

Only works in USA. You can try and see how it works if you enter a zip code as location, 10001 for New York City.


Don't know this. Is it interference signal you receive from radio? Then it is a common problem when having several radio devices close together. You should try the IFX setting, Fn+7.

The signal bar only show when squelch opens when receiving a signal. It could be a digital signal that it cannot decode if it disappears, or a idle channel when no one talks, or the wrong setting for digital system like LCN error or could be interference. If you get signal bar but no audio then push CHAN to stop scan and then set squelch to 0 to listen if it is data or noise or interference. I suggest to do Fn+REPLAY to always record what is received to be absle to listen to later and analyze.

I've been to Odessa and installed a radio system and it was a beautiful town and country. Then took cruising ship to Georgien to install next system. A lovely trip and good times with the people, very friendly and helpful and excellent food. When ending up in Vladivostok also nice people but not so much the food and the town. The only thing they had plenty of was vodka.


Hello again!
- what is the input power of uniden bcd436hp???

- I'm thinking of buying: a Surecom SR-112 repeater,

Duplex repeater Surecom SR-328,

Dual Band Amplifier

Duplexer SGQ-150

what can you recommend?

At the same time, should I turn the repeater "on" in the settings? Yes?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 13, 2006
Reading, PA
Ubbe; shouldn't Yuriy be able to receive military comms in the 30 - 88 MHz band? I thought some frequency sheets showed the Russies using that band for comms. With the war going on, I wonder how many transmissions there are as far as hams/ businesses; probably mostly fire/police/ems being the busiest. The Russies are probably jamming some transmissions. If they are using Baofeng radios, the frequecies used are limited to VHF High band/ UHF band.
Best of luck with your 436.

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