What do you say and show on TV about this?
That is for another forum, not RR.
- how to distinguish scanning from searching? F + quick search .... what is this?
Top of display at first line will say "search". For scan it will says F---- and the number of the favorite lists, if you have set quick keys. Quick search does a search of the whole frequency range of the scanner, 25-1100MHz and you can switch direction up or down with the dial control.
- offset what is its purpose?
If you receive a frequency from a repeater you can monitor the repeater RX frequency when using rev, Fn+8. If you listen to 2m amateur radio on 145.000Mhz you can do Fn+8 and listen to 144.400, where the mobiles transmit, while you hold in the 8 button. It only works for 2m amateur, not 70cm or not even with international marine ship frequencies in 155-162MHz range.
- err...8 man T 1.41. 1.65. 1.89 pressed f + vol, f + vol what do these numbers mean?
It is the voltage levels where the decoder looks for the floor of signal, middle and top but have no use to you. It depends of systems modulation, and if the signal have noise. It is the Err:-- value that has to be as low as possible when adjusting the dial. A 0 value are perfect and a 5 value starts to gets a bad decode with bad audio. After Err:0 are the value and "MAN" you can adjust between 5-13 after a third Fn and then turn dial.
- Is there a universal antenna for 3 bands? from 25 - 1300 MHz?
That would be a discone type. Some people have it in their room and some in the attic, if they cannot have it on balcony or roof.
- maybe the antenna production scheme is how to do it yourself? handmade!
Any big antenna will improve reception in one narrow band but hopefully also in other bands. The best antenna are the one you can have as high up as possible.
- how to hear truckers on the CB band?
In my country they most often use SSB, so not possible to monitor. But it can either be AM or FM for international truckers but needs a big antenna do get a signal.
- around me (I check the operation of the scanner in the apartment) 16 and 22 storey buildings .. can this interfere with the reception of the wave?
Yes it will but depends of where the signal are coming from.
What about high buildings in Stockholm? 5 floors or more?
I think 34 floor on the highest. 120 meters. Then several 80-90 meters.
- Have you checked the factory antenna to the scanner? How do you know what is receiving at 800 MHz?
It is a dual band 155Mhz and 800Mhz antenna. It will also receive somewhat at 3x155=460Mhz
- set search key ...what keys and what to enter?
It is linked to the search band. If you set search band 1 to 400-470 if will be on Fn+1. You only have search key for band 1-2-3
- why at the top I press: system on the display
FO :------------ SO :-1----------
Tag:01.01.---??? what is this?
It is favorite list for F and system for S. You have to set quick keys to each favorite list and each system to get access to them. The Tag are for Number Tag and going directly to a systems frequency or site and monitor manually only that and not scan or search. You have to program each conventional frequency and site if you want to use them with Number Tags. You stop scan by pushing CHAN button then enter number tag and the CHAN again. I do not use quick keys or number tag. It's all a mess, hard to remember and only confuse.
- and also set CC Mode (off, ccDND, ccPriority) what should I enable? dnd?
Yes, DND will only use closecall when not monitoring a call, so it will not interfere.
- manage Quick Key Status: press : favor q.key - faile no quick keys Assigned . ???? what do you need to enter?
Easiest to use Sentinel, but I advice against using it.
- set scan selection

ress set Nationwide s.: faile no nationwide system is in range.Change location setting.???
does not work? receives frequencies like for the USA ???
Only works in USA. You can try and see how it works if you enter a zip code as location, 10001 for New York City.
- When do you advise me to turn on the repeater?
I noticed when the radio is on the same frequencies as the scanner, then Uniden better receives auto-sync happens ... do I need to turn on the repeater?
Don't know this. Is it interference signal you receive from radio? Then it is a common problem when having several radio devices close together. You should try the IFX setting, Fn+7.
Is it because of a weak signal that uniden is silent and does not voice the conversation? can this be? antenna bar appears on the display and disappears...
The signal bar only show when squelch opens when receiving a signal. It could be a digital signal that it cannot decode if it disappears, or a idle channel when no one talks, or the wrong setting for digital system like LCN error or could be interference. If you get signal bar but no audio then push CHAN to stop scan and then set squelch to 0 to listen if it is data or noise or interference. I suggest to do Fn+REPLAY to always record what is received to be absle to listen to later and analyze.
When the war is over, come visit Ukraine! we will be glad to see!
I've been to Odessa and installed a radio system and it was a beautiful town and country. Then took cruising ship to Georgien to install next system. A lovely trip and good times with the people, very friendly and helpful and excellent food. When ending up in Vladivostok also nice people but not so much the food and the town. The only thing they had plenty of was vodka.