It seems on all scanners, it mainly skips over that band. Does anyone know why this is?
You should have posted it here. Depending on where you got the list it could be full of errors.i sent a PM with some band break downs.
There are also 72 MHz RC channels.75 Mhz is used for RC model for hobby use.......
Most VHF TV stations across the US have been shut down and part of the VHF TV frequency range is supposed to auctioned off at some point.50 to 54 is ham
54 to 60 is TV ch 2
60 to 66 is TV ch 3
66 to 72 is TV ch 4
72 to 76 is mid VHF (not used much)
76 to 82 is TV ch 5
82 to 88 is TV ch 6
88 to 108 is FM radio
108 to 118 is air navigation (usually no voice)
118 to 137 air band
137 to 144 military air and land (AM air) (FM land)
144 to 148 ham
148 to 150.8 military air and land (as above)
Why it is blocked on some i do not know, why it is not included I imagine is due to lack of interest due to a lack of knowledge that that range is used -heavily- by the military. I have tried at every occasion to pop the bubble of those who say there is nothing there, but unless you are someone who is actively tracking that spectrum, there is little reason to believe anything is going on there.It seems on all scanners, it mainly skips over that band. Does anyone know why this is?
If I could figure out how to rig a scanner with a signal stalker/spectrum sweeper to cover that range I would be a happy little fellow.
Which might I add one does exist, at least on virtual paper the TRX-1E, but I have never seen it in stock on the website. Anyone know a simple to order source of these?
I take it from your response that will be a simple matter to order it from the first vendor listed on the Whistler page? As simple ordering it from the UK as ordering it stateside?![]()
Whistler TRX-1 E Digital Handheld Scanner
The Whistler TRX-1 and TRX-2E are the latest digital scanner radios with new transmission modes. Choose between the new models here at Moonraker!
I have no idea.I take it from your response that will be a simple matter to order it from the first vendor listed on the Whistler page? As simple ordering it from the UK as ordering it stateside?
Thank you, that was a much more useful bit of info.The E model are just a modified firmware that anyone can load in their US TRX scanner but it doesn't include signal sweeper in the 68-88 range. The hardware band filters are still the US ones and above 68MHz it gradually loose sensitivity until almost completely dead at 75MHz, where it switches to the 108-137 filter and gradually improve some. But at best the range for normal scan are a couple of kilometers if not monitoring just at the border of 68MHz.
Thanks.I have no idea.