Wow! Here’s hoping you don’t have your Windows 7 computer connected to the internet. Microsoft has suspended all support for 7 in 2020. (There is a security update available but I understand it’s going to cost some amount of money. Here’s an excerpt from Microsoft;
“If you continue to use Windows 7, your computer will still work, but it will become more vulnerable to security risks and malware. Software and hardware manufacturers will be even less likely to make products that work with the operating system, opting to focus on more recent versions of Windows.”
I don’t know if that’s what’s going on with Windows 7, and the inability of it to find drivers for you, but Microsoft recommends you upgrade to Windows 10.
But I’m sure there are drivers floating around out there somewhere, and a “clean” copy of one can be found for those who want to dedicate a computer to communicate solely with Uniden products with as minimum connectivity with the outside world as possible. Bottom line, 7 is not recommended because of increasing security vulnerabilities.