Synopsis: I have had several of the GRE derived scanners for several yrs, and have gotten some cheap and got them working again by reflashing them. So I picked up one on eBay that boots to an error screen that only tells the DSP version.
Problem: I have already reflashed the CPU software about 3 times. Also Whistler email support told me that they don't publish the DSP software reflasher, like RS and GRE did. I have also tried all of the reset codes that are in the manual. I actually got it to start normally one time when I held down the 0 and 5 keys while turning it on. But as soon as I turned it off, it went right back to booting to a screen that shows only the DSP version that you can't get rid of. Also the 0 and 5 keys trick only worked once. The only screens it will boot to is the software update screen by holding down Program while turning it on and the other screen is the DSP version screen. I gave a $100 bucks for it, but I probably should not have.
Problem: I have already reflashed the CPU software about 3 times. Also Whistler email support told me that they don't publish the DSP software reflasher, like RS and GRE did. I have also tried all of the reset codes that are in the manual. I actually got it to start normally one time when I held down the 0 and 5 keys while turning it on. But as soon as I turned it off, it went right back to booting to a screen that shows only the DSP version that you can't get rid of. Also the 0 and 5 keys trick only worked once. The only screens it will boot to is the software update screen by holding down Program while turning it on and the other screen is the DSP version screen. I gave a $100 bucks for it, but I probably should not have.
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