air show

  1. M

    NJ Air Show (West Milford)

    Does anybody know what they’ll be using or frequencies to monitor? At the Greenwood Lake Airport
  2. R

    OR International Airshow 2022

    132.8000AM Air Boss - Military jets are also using this for coms 228.8000AM F35 & F16 Demo - Air-Air Lightening & Rebel, also some Rhino chatter Standard Freqs all AM 119.3000, 121.7000, 239.3000, ATIS 127.6500, PDX & PANG UHF Air Portland P25 TRS PoP General Aviation 1423 / 58F No known PA...
  3. A

    Fort Lauderdale Air Show - 2022

    Hi All, Looking for some info (frequencies) on the 2022 Air Show in Fort Lauderdale. Thanks!
  4. wbloss

    USAF Thunderbirds - St. Joe on May 1 & 2

    Worth programming their freqs this weekend in NW Mo!
  5. P

    Cocoa Beach Air show

    With the Cocoa beach air show taking place this weekend, what are some good frequencies to program? I already have the Thunderbird channels programmed and was listening to them a few minutes ago. I work near PSFB and want to be able to listen tomorrow and then during the show this weekend...
  6. MagicMan08

    Fargo Airsho 2018 - Frequencies?

    Anyone able to catch any unique frequencies from the practices? Blues? Other Performers? Air Boss Freq and Discreet Comms? I have several but I'm seeing if anyone else out there has something as I was not able to get. I've been doing a lot of digging as well on the other sub forums and what...
  7. K

    Myrtle Beach Air Show

    The Wings Over Myrtle Beach Air Show at the Myrtle Beach International Airport is next weekend, April 28-29. The Show's website says that participant teams will be arriving on Thursday, and will practice on Friday: Wings Over Myrtle Beach Air Show – April 28-29, 2018 Major aviation...
  8. T

    Oregon International Air Show 2017 at the Hillsboro Airport

    (*edited): I plan to update this post as I figure out what's used. Today, Friday, airboss was on 132.8. Airboss: 132.8
  9. screenersam

    Air Shows / Fly Ins

    Fly In at SBY this Saturday the 20th (rain date 21st) OC airshow June 17-18 OC Air Show - Returning June 17-18, 2017 to Ocean City, Maryland! : OC Air Show fly-in @ Crisfield MD July 1 Crisfield Fly-in And Airplane Show - From Fight To Your Fligh
  10. O

    Wings Over Gatineau Airshow 2017

    There is an airshow scheduled for this Sunday April 30, in Gatineau Quebec across the river from Ottawa. featuring La Patrouille de France. Aside from the tower frequency, would anyone have an idea as to other frequencies which might be used for this event? Vintage Wings of Canada > Home...
  11. Bruce42

    Sacramento Capitol Air Show 2016

    1. Blue Angels did not fly as promised. The lead pilot ate something bad last night and got food poisoning. 2. After normal Ground traffic on 121.850 ceased the air boss was on 119.150 MHz. Lots of fun listening. Hopefully they will use the same frequency tomorrow. Hope that frequency...
  12. Bruce42

    2016 Capitol Air Show Update

    1. The Blue Angels DID NOT fly today. The lead pilot ate something bad last night and got food poisoning so they scrubbed 20 minutes before they were to fly. So today's tickets are good again for tomorrow and I'll bet the parking and seating will be rather exciting. 2. Upon arrival there...
  13. drdispatch

    2016 Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show

    Practice air show today, most acts went up including the Thunderbirds. Full air shows July 2, 3, & 4. Confirmed frequencies (so far): Air Boss - 123.5500 Thunderbirds - 141.1750 (Diamond) 235.2500 (Solos) I'll be going July 2nd (on the grounds) and July 4th (off the grounds).
  14. w2xq

    JBMDL(McGuire AFB) (KWRI) Air Show 2016

    While the JBMDL events web page -- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst -- hasn't been updated since 2014, another JBMDL page does have details on the 2016 "Power in the Pines" -- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst - Open House and Air Show -- air show scheduled for May 14 and 15 at KWRI, McGuire AFB...
  15. Ishmole

    Stewart Airport Airshow Frequency

    Right Now!~ 123.425 Lots of action!
  16. L

    Winston Salem Airshow

    Heard at the Winston Salem Airshow today: Air Boss 123.75 Airshow Discrete 123.15 The Civil Air Patrol cadets were active on the Intersquad Radio channels. <1> 396.875 <2> 397.125 <3> 397.175 <4> 397.375 <5> 397.425 <8> 397.550 Also on CAP Tac 1 (139.875) and CAP Guard 1 (150.225)...
  17. T

    CNE Air Show

    The Air Show is happening at the CNE later this week. What frequencies do the certain jets use? Any help would be great.
  18. bbrasmussen

    2012 Hill AFB Air Show - Warriors Over the Wasatch

    I'm not sure when it was announced, but I just heard the dates for the 2012 air show will be May 26 -May 27. Website is: Hill Air Force Base - WarriorsOverTheWasatch Big bummer though is the prohibited items list: "Scanners of any kind." Wish the organizers would change their mind on that...
  19. vagrant

    Blue Angels live chatter now - Lemoore NAS - This weekend

    Listening to them now on 346.5 Mhz (Blue Angels Solos 5) Also on 237.8 Mhz (Blue Angeles Delta 1 / BA Air to Air) They're flying around I presume doing recon before the show this week to get a feel for the area. I don't really know. Just speculating. Topics thus far: - Expensive wine someone...
  20. R

    Wetaskawin Air Show frequencies

    Was at the Wetaskawin Air Show (Wetaskiwin Air Show) today and picked up the following frequencies. If you are going tomorrow I would expect the same set of freqs to be in use! 123.500MHz. This was the Show Boss arranging traffic and running the show. Reverted to Unicom after the show was...