
  1. JimD56

    APX6000 Programming NON-Affiliate Scanning

    I have the APX CPS and programmed my own APX4000 UHF Analog. But, How hard is it to program an APX6000 trunking system 700mhz P25 Phase II TDMA. Obviously, NON-Affiliated and receive only and NO Encryption? This is the System https://www.radioreference.com/db/sid/10758
  2. J

    P25 Radios

    Hey all. What is the most inexpensive radio that is p25 capable?
  3. J

    APX6000R Talk Permit Tone

    Hello, my talk permit tone is not working on my APX6000, and I could really use some help getting ti to work.
  4. R

    APX6000 PL/DP

    APX 6000 UHF. Can they be programmed so the PL/DCS codes can be changed on the fly? Selectable list? GMRS use on the road.
  5. N

    Programming PD on Motorola APX6000

    I am a firefighter and would like to put PD on my Motorola APX6000. From what I read it’s a Phase 2 and has TDMA enabled in flash. I would like to have 3rd precinct added. Would anyone know where I could get that done or how? I would be willing to pay.
  6. DdeGrazia

    Model Numbers ending in AN going off Line due to STARCOM upgrade?

    Sadly this is a bit of a rumor mill comment I heard but it is significant if accurate to any substantial level. I think everyone here understands the model numbers ending in "AN" vs "BN" have different life spans. "AN"s still function and are no longer getting any enhancements, etc. There...
  7. H

    How to determine if my APX is intrinsically safe

    I have an APX6000 VHF radio. Model # is H98KGH9PW7AN. How do I tell if it is intrinsically safe? Thank you.
  8. H

    Using an "off the shelf" Bluetooth headset with an APX6000 with Bluetooth capability

    Does the APX6000 only work with other Motorola Bluetooth devices? I have a Bluetooth speaker mic and it works well. What I would like to have is a bluetooth earpiece that works with my iPhone so I can use the hands free functions but also use with my APX6000. So I would hear any transmissions...
  9. H

    Can the APX6000 channel knob be converted to infinite rotation?

    The title says it all. Can you modify the channel knob on the APX6000 to remove the stop at channel position 16 so the knob can keep turning continuously? Similar to how the stop can be removed on the Kenwood NX-5200 to accomplish the same goal. Thank you.
  10. H

    APX APX6000 - Adding a new channel via FPP

    Am I able to add a new channel in the APX6000 with FPP enabled? I have one channel that I am able to edit but what I am wondering is if I can add an additional channel via the FPP menu. Currently, when I enter the Select Channel screen I have the entry for my one existing channel and the soft...
  11. H

    APX6000 vs XPR7550e receiver

    From what I have been reading the receiver for the XPR 7550e is 8% better than previous receivers. Does that also apply to the APX6000? I am looking to use both radios in analog mode quite frequently and I am trying to determine which would be best on analog? The XPR7550e or the APX6000?
  12. K2NEC

    APX APX8000 speaker in a 6000

    Thought about the half watt speaker in the 6000 and was wondering if replacing it with the 8000 1w speaker could possibly cause any damage to the radio? Since it's a louder speaker it will have more draw and is the radio able to handle it? Better to ask and be safe than end up sending it to Moto...
  13. ferryfan_ray

    APX Looking for APX Broken

    (Admins: Delete if not allowed and please guide to the rules) Hi, I am looking for a Motorola APX4000XH, APX5000, APX6000, 6000XE, APX7000, APX7000XE, APX8000, APX8000H, APX8000XE, Or An APX8000HXE that has defects or possibly doesn't even work anymore. I want it as a prop for a video I'm...
  14. R

    APX6000 Driver

    I posted this once but now can find it not sure if someone deleted it. I am trying to connect an APX6000 to a windows 7 computer and the driver fails to load. Have tried it on several windows 7 computers. Not sure what the issue is. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Danny37

    What's the general price of an apx6000?

    I've been looking around and I see that websites don't list the price for radio, anyone have a general idea of how much these radios go for new vs used? $2000 for used (which I've seen on eBay) seems to be overpriced to my eyes. Not the XE models, the standard model.
  16. C

    Please Help. I am dumb to this

    Ok, our agency is using the APX 6000 portable with Bluetooth. In the setting we have selected over the counter Bluetooth and Motorola. We have tried several brands of Bluetooth headsets. The radio can see them, but when it goes to pair the device, it says failed. However, a iPhone 7 will connect...
  17. K

    APX adaptive noise suppression / audio engine - user experiences

    I'm looking for user experiences with/opinions about the APX "Adaptive Audio Engine" a.k.a Adaptive Noise Suppression. This is a flashport option (QA09006) on the APX and I'd like to determine if it's a worthwhile feature. From Motorola literature: ADAPTIVE AUDIO ENGINE Adaptive Dual-sided...
  18. M

    APX 6000 and TDMA Scanning

    I have successfully gotten an APX6000 to monitor my statewide 700/800MHz P25 Phase I/Phase II dynamic system. I had used the radio prior on the Phase I but these days more and more talk groups every day are heading Phase II. The radio worked great on the Phase I/FDMA talk groups the way I had...
  19. T

    APX6000 Codeplug

    Does anyone have a 7/800 MHz cqodeplug for the APX6000. I have bought the CPS and the Cable. The cable is gonna take a few days to ship and I would like to just play around in the CPS before I get the cable. If you can help I would appreciate.
  20. U

    APX 6000 vs. XPR 7000 Series

    I'm looking to purchase a new portable radio. I currently have a pair of HT1250's and a XPR 7550 VHF. I'm looking for a new UHF portable and have been looking at an APX 6000 Model 1.5. I do like the XPR series, but am wanting something a little different as well. I will only be using the UHF on...