
  1. N

    PRO-164 CTCSS Question

    On my PRO-164, if I program a CT code and it is incorrect, will it prevent me from hearing anything on that channel?
  2. N

    PRO-164 CTCSS or DCS

    Hello. I'm pretty new to the scanning world. I'm using a PRO-164 and I come seeking knowledge! How do I know if I should use CTCSS or DCS for a frequency? It seems that for most of the Police or Fire frequencies if I use CTCSS, a code will show up on the display and when two parties are...
  3. P

    O.D.N.R. V.H.F. Frequencies

    Does the O.D.N.R. still use the V.H.F. frequencies? I noticed on the Ohio Radio Reference page that each district has its own frequency assigned to Mulitple Repeaters but eah freqeuncy has a different PL. How can one tell which frequency / PL (CTCSS) combo is used in one's area? Does it really...
  4. S

    Useing PL codes

    I am in the process of programming A BCD996T. I would like to know if a agency uses the same Frequency with different PL's, Do i need to program each one, or can I just program the frequency and not use the pl and recieve on the channel.
  5. E

    What is a tone?

    I noticed that several CalFire frequencies had a "tone" associated with them. What exactly is a tone, and does it need to be programmed in with the frequency. I have RS Pro-96