dual band

  1. Danny37

    Best dualband rubber duck 144/440 antenna for yaesu, kenwood and icom HT

    Give me your brands and model numbers. Links are preferred.
  2. S

    Need help with antenna choice VHF/UHF

    I am new to building a radio system. I am familiar with the theory and use but I'm not with accepted practices. My goal: Setup my truck with a VHF/UHF radio to operated on all/most of the frequencies available on my radio My radio: Motorola CM300 My reason: I am an emergency management nut. I...
  3. L

    Holzberg Dual Band Radio DB-ANDY

    First off, Id like to say hello This is my first post to your forums and I hope that you can help me. Background. I work for a large player in the Oil and Gas industry and our House radio is a Motorola RDV2020 Typically each location we operate on has several different contractor customers...
  4. scanfan22

    Looking for a dual band (2m/440)

    Hello, I'm looking for a dual band handheld that would be good for someone with CP (cerebral palsy). I would imagine it would need a larger easy to push ptt button. I have a few pictures of an old cb handheld that worked for me. If anyone knows of an ht that would have this I would appreciate it.