
  1. AngWay

    Help with multiple amplifiers . please and thank u.

    can someone tell me will this amplifer let me listen to vhf and uhf frequencies by amplifying them. Channel, Cascaded Ultra-Low Noise Amplifier
  2. W

    Is the database wrong?

    I've loaded the data for Woodland Park and Little Falls, Passaic County, NJ and there is no decoding. Is the data for Passaic County NCIS trunking wrong? (They are not listed as encrypted.) Or, do I need to enter something different.
  3. AngWay

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Questions on what to do when I first get my BCD325P2?

    Hi I am just wanting to ask some questions and maybe get some answers to some stuff I am finding hard to find by searching I'm sure it's out there I just can't find definite answers to some things, anyway's here it is. I bought the BCD325P2 new, and it will be here tomorrow and when I get it...
  4. AngWay


  5. AngWay

    Is there a way to get these DMR channels to scan faster, And why is my scanner skipping frequencies?

    Alright this has been a problem for awhile i have tried programming every way you can i have used OFT and conventional but i get the same results. HERE is the system and on dsdplus there is a data signal on all the channels it will go away at times but stays constant but when the my 536HP or...
  6. AngWay

    Trying to find this but can't can someone help?.

    I am trying to find This in sentinel or proscan but it's nowhere to be found it's called TWO WAY RADIO SERVICE CO. INC if you type it in they will show up, but why is it showing but it's not in the database. i know i'm probably missing something here but can someone else with more experience...
  7. AngWay

    Looking for a definitive answer to how DMR OFT is programmed

    I'm just wanting to know if i am doing this right or if it matters how a DMR OFT is programmed, Proscan will ask you, and it will put each frequency into its own site with one channel and department I have also tried with sentinel, and it will just create one department and the rest is the sites...
  8. AngWay

    Several questions regarding how to set up different digital and analog channels.

    I have been reading and researching and trying to understand some things, but I would like to just ask some of you all what u think, and so I can get an answer to my questions specifically instead of just reading what someone else did or tried or found out what worked best. 1. So which is best...
  9. N

    IC-A220 help/suggestions

    Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for resolving this issue. This is fairly new radio, >6 months, but now when I boot it up, it remains stuck on ICOM. I've tried disconnecting it from the power but that's about all I got.
  10. AngWay

    Help please which cable for what, SDS100 & BCD536HP.

    Hi i have done a ton of reading and researching alot of it right here on RR but i'm still just so confused on alot of this. Here is what i'm trying to find answers to . the usb programming cable that came with my sds100 is just a micro usb to usb A cable and it's what i use to program the...
  11. H

    Equipment suggestions?

    Hello! I am new to learning the language and the community to be completely transparent. I was recently gifted a Uniden BC365CRS and I have unfortunately found out that my local agencies only have one analog channel still in use. I will attach a picture below from what I have found out that the...
  12. T

    EEPROM Cksum error motorola gp1280

    I got this error while programming my motorola gp1280 vhf handheld radio without any malfunction. how can I solve this error? I do not have a codeplug file and I cannot write the sample codeplug file I can find. thank you sincerely for your answers my TA3TRA 73
  13. AngWay

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Just bought a BCD536HP need replacement knob.

    So i just purchased a BCD536HP for $112 bucks i know a crazy deal i can't believe it either. but it has one small problem the squelch knob has a crack in it other than that it works perfect. i have googled around and tried to find a replacement but i can't seem to find any. i emailed Uniden but...
  14. AngWay

    Pro 654 scan's faster than SDS100, Finds more frequencies.

    Ok ever since i got my radio shack pro 652 i have found a bunch of new freqs that i never could find on the sds100. Before i got the pro 651 i would put my zip code into the sds100 and let it just scan so i could fine some freqs i did not know about and listen to them, I also would copy the...
  15. AngWay

    My hit count is not showing correctly. Help

    I have tried PSREdit500 Arc500 and Win500 and i enable hit count on them all and upload to my pro 652, and i let the scanner run awhile and then copy the scanner back to the software and it won't show the correct hit count. for example take 155.5500 and 155.4900 i seen the scanner stop on those...
  16. AngWay

    Is the PSREdit500 updated?

    When i'm going through adding my frequencies from RR to PSR the dates for when updated show really old dates. "see attached file". And i have been testing between win500 and arc500 and the psredit500 and the latter seems to know what my scanner can receive and not receive and it only shows...
  17. WX9RLT

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: 436HP 5V/1A or 5V/2A charger? (Advantages & Disadvantages)

    My question is: Would using a 5V/2A charger, hurt the 436HP? Scannermaster shows that the 436HP uses the 5V/1A AC Adapter USB (5V 1A) | Scanner Master And the 5V/2A charger is only for the 200? Uniden USB AC for the SDS100 (AC1278) | Scanner Master My questions: Would using a 5V/2A...
  18. AngWay

    Radio shack pro 652

    I was doing some bidding online and i think i just bought a radio shack pro 652 . What could i use this scanner for i know it's p25 phase 1 and analog but will it hear any dmr or nxdn at all? what about programming what software should i use to program it? Also on the back of it is This...
  19. AngWay

    Locked on control channel but no sound.

    So i found this control channel and identified it as the "WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network" i have a strong signal but i'm getting no audio it's showing group calls and it doesn't say it's encrypted i get a static sound and sometimes i hear pieces of someones voice...
  20. G

    Kenwood 5200 question

    Hello. I am looking to aquire an nx-5200 to use as a ham radio and to scan my county fire frequency’s. They use a p25 phase 2 ICORRS system. I currently have a Uniden sds100 and it works just fine with the system. I confirmed that some agency’s in the counties use 5200s but they said they are...