help anyone?

  1. TennFordTN

    FRS or MURS?

    I'm new to these forums and recently new to the radio waves but I have a question. MURS or FRS? I own a little more than 100 acres of half-flat, half-hill property with extensive amount of trees and hills. My family and I, and sometimes friends, use this property (or as we call it, the "farm")...
  2. J


    i found this radio on ebay A05B Motorola New Model HT1250LS AAH25RDH9DP5AN 16CH UHF Walkie Talkie Radio | eBay i was hoping that someone would be able to tell me if i cant put these frequencies on it 478.2375 451.850 478.1875 472.96250
  3. S

    Is what my school doing legal

    Alright so i see theres some confusion. The district im talking about is the upper arlington city schools. I do not work there but i am a student. Dont search this yet because they have 5 licences. The frequencie* +452.125 PL 71.9 is used for busses they talk usualy 6:30 am to 8:30 am also...
  4. S

    Uniden bc72xlt having trouble with nyc frequencies

    I've had this scanner for a while now without any problems. I reset it today because half my channels were locked out and had to scroll through all of them one by one to get to my desired channel so I reset it to start over. Now every time I try to enter a frequency from nyc out gives me an...
  5. F

    Need help w/ playing audio

    I have a desktop that has Vista operating system, and has no comm/serial port on the back. I can not find a serial to usb cable that is good for Vista operating systems. Any help would be appreciated
  6. W

    Crazy Beebing sound?

    Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) I have a scanner in Milwaukee (just south of Portland) and when I try and listen to Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) I get this beeping that sounds like the button noise when you play with the scanner settings, but I turned...