
  1. M

    Help with KCMO

    Hey I'm new hear. i found this website today and have been reading it for about 4 hours. i Live south of KCMO right by that Missouri Highway Patrol troop A. I work a security gig for a while in KCMO and while we were working we listened to KCPD on a scanner or radio. it was always dark so i...
  2. D

    Kansas City P25 Live Feed online

    I think I have everything fixed and up and running. Kansas City Fire and Police is back up and running on the P25 digital. It is still being improved and I'm still learning but it looks like we are good to go. I am trying to adjust the volume issue and I got all the feedback and questions you...
  3. D

    KCFD Feed

    Kansas City Fire Department and Police feed is up and running. It's under Jackson County in Missouri. Enjoy
  4. K

    Downtown Kansas City Monitoring

    I wanted to get a thread starting for people that have been monitoring Downtown KCMO frequencies including but not limited to KCMO Police and Fire, Sprint Center, Downtown Security Patrol, etc. A little background info where Im coming from: I just bought a pro-197 from Radio Shack. Im...
  5. I

    KCMO PD - can't recieve broadcasts...Pro-107

    Disclaimer: I am relatively new to wireless radio comms but I understand all the concepts (talkgroups, trunking, etc.) I just purchased a RadioShack Pro 107 (trunking scanner) and I receive comms from OP, Lenexa (I believe), Raytown, etc, but I live in middle KC and I am not getting any comms...