new york

  1. T

    462.675 calling frequency

    Does anyone hear any activity on the national calling frequency on 462.675?
  2. B

    Need Help Setting Up a Uniden BCD996P2

    Hey there, Hopefully I am posting this in the right place - I have just discovered this forum tonight and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. My family and I have bought a Uniden BCD996P2 for my grandmother because her old police scanner became irrelevant after the local...
  3. D

    CDERN/Capital District 800 Inter-County

    Has anyone in the capital district area received transmissions from the capital district 800 inter-county talkgroup in Albany County? I am monitoring the Albany County P25 system county cell daily and hear no traffic at all on the CDERN TG. I also noticed that neighboring county P25 systems also...
  4. XArkans

    NYPD Vehicle Information

    Hello, is it possible to determine the call sign or department/bureau of an NYPD vehicle based on its license plate?
  5. W

    New Scanner, Needing in person help if possible please

    Hi folks! New to the digital scanners. Very familiar with the conventional stuff but this digital stuff is over my head. I received a Uniden BCD996P2 for Christmas. I am trying to listen to the Monroe/Ontario County P25 System. I live in Ontario County, NY. I have the scanner, the...
  6. D

    Need a good scanner antenna for Whistler WS1040

    I have a Whistler WS 1040 scanner and my antenna that came with it doesn’t work very well. I’ve been looking for a good antenna but I’m having trouble since I don’t know anything about antennas or frequencies. I live in NYC and I would like to listen to the FDNY and NYPD. Do you have any good...
  7. Dispatrick

    Open Carrier Med-10 for over a week now.

    Open carrier on Med-10 for over a week now 462.9750 with a PL of 146.2. I'm posting this here cause I live in Bergen County, however it could be originating from NY or CT. A check of the database shows no user with that PL. Any Ideas?
  8. A

    BCT15X: Having trouble with BCT15X

    I programmed all my New York Allegany County frequency’s and I’m not getting any feedback from the scanner. It’s up to date and I’ve went through the manual troubleshooting everything. My biggest complaint is that I’ve had it working once and now it’s not working at all. What do I do? I also...
  9. Marauder

    Revive this board?

    Hi, I am a freelance for Dutchess county and am always on top of the latest events, I see this board is dead and that's a shame, I would like to post constantly to this to keep everyone updated but would it hold value? would anyone care for that or is it dead for a reason?
  10. H

    Question about traveling to New York

    Hello, I'm new here and this is my first thread so please bear with me. I am an engineering college student going to school in upstate NY. I have a cb radio and a scanner radio in my car, each with their own antennas connected to the trunk of the car. I live in New Hampshire where the car is...
  11. w2lie

    A NY Giants Parade Live Feed on

    To celebrate the NY Giants Win in Sunday's "Big Game", I will attempt to stream some audio from the parade route. The Live Feed will be carried on the Special Feed. Scroll to the bottom of the Live Feed page to access the link. No Membership is required. Best guess would be...
  12. GTR8000

    NYS Database Cleanup

    As many of you have no doubt already noticed, I'm in the middle of a rather massive update to the entirety of NYS. I'm reorganizing all state agencies and counties so they are consistent statewide, as well as meet the up-to-date standards and guidelines of the Database Handbook. I'm also...
  13. KD2DXF

    NYS Mobile Scanner Permit

    does anyone know how to obtain a mobile scanner permit. i am a mmember os Skywark and go from county to county, and am wondering how to obtain a state wide permit. ive tried finding websites and other literature, but with no avail. i currently have a Uniden BCT 15X installed in my truck, i just...
  14. J

    Westchester NY EMS to Hospital frequencies

    Does any body know the frequencies that the ambulance use to communicate with the hospitals in Westchester NY. Such as Hudson Valley Hosp, Northern westchester, westchester medical center. ect.
  15. D

    Erie County/Hamburg NY (scanner upgrade and frequency questions)

    First, here is my original thread in the new members section, which gives a little background into what's shaking. With the recent weather we're having, I tried plugging in all of the signals on the Erie County reference page here (many of which were already in the memory but a few new/slightly...
  16. F

    Monroe County Narrowband Switch

    Just a Heads up for people in Monroe County, the date they are looking at for the Fire Narrowband switchover is October 17th, as of Monday night that was still on-track. I Do not know what channels, if any, will change, maybe someone could shed some more light on it.
  17. riveter

    NYCOMCO EDACS Dutchess question

    Hey guys, a quick question for Dutchess County listeners on the NYCOMCO EDACS system. I've got sites 1, 4, and 5 programmed in my PSR, and I get all the nice stuff that's only on there (Poughkeepsie Town and City, Kingston City, Hyde Park, etc), but I haven't heard anything on TGIDs 447, 453...
  18. F

    State Of Emergency - 3:50 pm (ORANGE COUNTY)

    Orange county executives have issued a state of emergency . In effect from 6pm - 7am All vehicular traffic is prohibited within these times. Exceptions: Snow removal equipment Volunteer firefighters Dire Emergencies...
  19. V

    Camden NY Fire/EMS Frequencies

    I have a Uniden Bearcat BC95XLT and I am trying to pick up local fire and emergency calls so that I can photograph the scenes. Using the site I came up with 154.13000 as the Camden NY Fire frequency however when I tried to enter it into my scanner it came up with error. I...
  20. newsphotog

    CNN using aircraft radio monitoring website's recordings in coverage

    Just wanted to post a quick note about CNN using recordings from a scanner hobbyist's website of air traffic control audio in the Buffalo area plane crash. I thought that was kind of neat that a hobbyist got some valuable audio for CNN instead of CNN having to wait for the NTSB/FAA to "release"...