
  1. C

    Does anyone use ProVoice or DMR in the Chattanooga area? Is it worth purchasing?

    Just curious if it is worth purchasing.
  2. S

    Harrison county digital scanner online

    Looks like all of Harrison co is up and running. Sounds real good too. Harrison County Public Safety
  3. Barrygilnc

    ARC536 & ProVoice

    Can ARC536 be used to program a ProVoice system into the BCD436HP? I’ve installed the ProVoice upgrade to the scanner and have the latest version of ACR536. I couldn’t find an option in the software for ProVoice. Thank you.
  4. J

    If I buy a Harris radio used by Public Safety System, will I be able to listen?

    Or will I have to have the radio programmed? Because I Could just scan the 800 mHz band right? I am just wondering because it has a simple concept.
  5. N0GTG

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: ProVoice upgrade problem

    I bought the ProVoice upgrade yesterday, and installed the firmware update (1.10.02). I didn't notice that I also had to install a new version of Sentinel until I had already done the firmware update. It apparently installed properly, except for the ProVoice upgrade. Of course, now, the new...
  6. O

    ProVoice Update Is Availible

    The ProVoice/EDMAC update is availible: Info Link: ProVoice < UnidenMan4 < TWiki Upgrade Links: BCD436HPFirmwareUpdate < UnidenMan4 < TWiki BCD536HPFirmwareUpdate < UnidenMan4 < TWiki Sentinel Update: BCD436HP < UnidenMan4 < TWiki There are additional steps to purchase the update. You have...
  7. V

    EDACS in Hampton Roads????

    Does anyone know if there is any gain in adding the new Provoice feature (for $50) for use on a 436hp in the Hampton Roads area? I could not find any systems (re:Pol, Fire, EMS, etc) that use this so thought I would ask some of the forum experts if it would be beneficial to add this? Thanks in...
  8. C

    question/help on ma com edacs

    I am in need of some help. My area is Harrisonburg city/Rockingham county Virginia. Years ago they changed to the EDACS PROVOICE. I know that no scanner can monitor this, I understand this. But I was considering buying a Harris p7170 radio with EDACS PROVOICE on it, with NO transmission...
  9. M

    St. Tammany Parish

    Hello I was wanting to know if STPSO and STFD will be switching to P25 anytime soon. I was also wanting to know if anyone would know which radio they would recommend to me in order to listen to ProVoice. PS: A guy from Harris told me that they were thinking of switching, but I haven't seen him...
  10. N

    Oklahoma City, OK - OK state auditor finds $850K of radios unused, in storage

    Oklahoma state auditor finds OKC has $850,000 in radios sitting in a storage facility | News OK "Oklahoma City has hundreds of police radios valued at more than $850,000 sitting in storage, state Auditor and Inspector Gary Jones said Tuesday."
  11. J

    Listening to Ottawa Police : radio recommandation

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice with purchasing a radio capable of listening to Ottawa Police. It is my understanding that they are using EDACS Provoice so am thinking that either an LPE-200 or Jaguar 700p could do the job. Anyone has any experience or advice? Thanks!!
  12. C

    DSD works on Mac

    I'm running Parallels on my MacBook Pro with Windows 7 installed, I've been able to get DSD to run. I went into System Preferences>Sound>Input. Then turned down the internal microphone (built in) completely & turned up the Line In (audio line in port or microphone in) all the way. Went back...
  13. screenersam


    so I hear Edacs systems will no longer be produced/sold, and will not be supported after 2017. So my county's unscannable Provoice for deputies will be no more :-) the...
  14. F

    Unitrunker / BCD396XT / EDACS Standard- Low Decode Health

    Hopefully someone can help a newbie here.... I am trying to decode an EDACS Standard digital system in my local area. I am running Unitrunker connected to a BCD396XT through the serial port with a Uniden USB cable. I have the BAUD rate set to 115200 on both ends. Scanner has EDACS system...
  15. IC301

    Would USB "Sound Blaster X-Fi GO!" (SB1290) with DSD and a Netbook or Laptop work ?

    Would USB &quot;Sound Blaster X-Fi GO!&quot; (SB1290) with DSD and a Netbook or Laptop work ? Has anyone tried the "Sound Blaster X-Fi GO! Pro" (SB1290) with a x86 Netbook (or less preferred, a Laptop) and DSD ? It is a USB Sound Blaster...
  16. S

    Henry County Edacs Digital

    I have 3 different Digital Trunking Scanners, Pro197, GRE and Uniden. I have WIN500, ARC500Pro and BCTools+. I can not hear any Digital groups. I hear the Analog groups with no problem. I am familiar with the 8 frequencies and the DEC and HEX ID's of the groups I am trying to monitor, but I can...
  17. Lebowski

    Albuquerque help

    Anyone that's successfully monitoring the Albuquerque / Bernalillo county ProVoice system? I am looking for guidance on an LPE-200 or a Jaguar set up if that's what I need to do. If you prefer to take this offline please let me know. Thanks,