I recently bought a new desk for my radio room to replace the previous countertop & drawers. When I was searching for the new desk, I had some requirements in mind... I needed it to be sit/stand, L shaped or wraparound, and be humongous enough to fit my monitors, radios, both PCs and...
Just trying to confirm that for RadioFeed to communicate with the home patrol 2 and show alpha tags on my stream to broadcastify (or anywhere for that matter) - I need the extreme upgrade to unlock the ability for the radio to be used as a serial port? Then theoretically the audio and alpha tag...
Looking for suggestions. I’ve had my Radiofeed server running for a little over a year now but I’m running into an issue now where the stream becomes distorted. Like everyone’s voices are deep. Resetting radio feed fixes this but only for a few hours. Any tips on how to fix this ?
I have upgraded to Radiofeed 6.1, however it does not save any of the settings on exit. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
The program is whitelisted in my anti-virus software on W10 Pro and I have tried installing it on a VM Win 10 Pro without any AV or other security software present...
Hi all, I’m wondering if anyone could help me, I’m ,running SDR# with the fast scanner plugin. I want to know if it is possible to output the active channel frequency name into metadata so radio feed (ProScan) can read this metadata and show it on the audio feed? Thanks in advance.
RadioFeed and SDS200.
For some reason unknown to me every once in a while (at least once a day) RadioFeed will stop broadcasting and nothing will be heard on the Broadcastify stream. When I check RadioFeed the "URL Setup" box will be blinking red, if I turn the scanner off and then back on it...
Good morning, I am maintaining the feed, Galveston County Sheriff and Area City Public Safety Agencies Live Audio Feed. The site I use on the simulcast system is the Alvin tower site. Not all groups will be prioritized on this tower as they may not be local to it. For example, GPD and GFD most...
I’m looking at getting a SDR to replace my scanner feed to Broadcastify. I have a few questions:
1) can I just “plug and play”? -if I plug it in will RadioFeed or other software that provides feed to Broadcastify recognize it?
2) playing off the question above, if not what do I need to do to...
Running 2 instances of RadioFeed on my Win10 machine.
(I'm a software developer)
I'm making a PowerShell script that will run occasionally to automatically ensure that there are 2 instances running. If not, it will kill all instances and restart. The idea is that it will auto recover from a...
I've been running a Broadcastify feed for about 6 months using an old scanner and Windows 10 laptop running Scannercast. The feed was rock solid, with virtually no downtime. With the summer fire season approaching, I decided to upgrade my scanner to a WS1065 so that it could send alpha tags...
Has anyone come up with a way to get alpha tags directly from DSD to RadioFeed? I know if you integrate DSD and Unitrunker there are ways to get it done. But in my case the FMP tuner built in to DSD works better on the systems I monitor.
I recently had computer repaired and because windows 7 32 bit was not recognizing the added RAM I had installed, made the leap to Windows 10. Now I have a problem. I installed Radiofeed which in turn installed the windows net framework 2.0 as required. Radioreed runs for a few minutes then says...
I have had a feed on RR for many years. And I just installed radiofeed onto my new PC and now it will NOT let me configure. I am now running windows 8, if that makes a difference
I get the following error message
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Please help. Thank you
Hi All
First, let me say a huge THANK YOU to everyone involved in getting DSD+ to where it is today, it is an outstanding piece of software!
I'm using SDR# and DSD+ to decode a local LEO for a feed using RadioFeed by proscan. I would like to add alphatags/metadata to the feed, but i'm not sure...
Can someone tell me how you input your area into the radiofeed on proscan? I listen to broadcastify, but I would like to listen to the more specific feeds.
Does it go somewhere in the source client? yikes.. don't understand this.. thanks!!
I've written a new program called AlphaTags.
AlphaTags is a program that reads the source and target/talkgroup information (alpha tags) from active trunked radio systems as they are decoded by UniTrunker. It organizes that information in a user-specified format and writes it to an output file...