remote head

  1. Kenwood TK-5710 VHF P25 mobile.

    Kenwood TK-5710 VHF P25 mobile.

    I have two Kenwood TK-5710 VHF 50 Watt mobiles forsale. One has a remote head. Both include microphone, speaker, and cables. They were pulled from a working environment about three years ago when our county transitioned to DMR. One was a base station and one was used in a POV. They are in good...
  2. WTB: Remote Head kit for Uniden BC785D

    WTB: Remote Head kit for Uniden BC785D

    Looking for a Scanner Master BC785D Remote Head kit. They had this item made in house or for them and sold a limited run some years ago. The kit was compatible with the BC780, BC785D, and BC796D radios. If you have an unused remote head gathering dust and want it to go to a good home for a...
  3. B

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Using RH96 with 996p2

    Hello All, I recently purchased a RH96 and then realized that it was not directly compatible with the 996p2. A friend of mine showed me a box with some sort of PCB made to adapt the remote cable that comes out of the 996p2 to the input cable of the RH96. Any ideas on how to do this or any...
  4. M

    Apx6500 dash mount convert to remote mount

    I have an apx6500 dash mount with an 05 head that I am trying to convert a remote mount with on 03 head. I have an xtl5000 parts radio that I will use the remote mount parts from. The flex cable is different, and cannot locate the part number of the flex cable I need to make this work?
  5. KG5KS

    Mounts needed for the hand rail

    I have a 4th Generation 2019 Chevrolet Silverado and needing to see what mounts are available for the Hand rail. Might mount two remote heads, if can find good mounts. Thank you Ken
  6. T

    SDS200 Remote Head currently being tested by Uniden Beta Testers???

    I haven't seen this specific information posted anywhere on Radio Reference thus far, so I figured I would share it for those who may be interested. I just finished reading a very thorough review of the Uniden SDS200 in the April 2019 issue of The Spectrum Monitor. The review was written by...
  7. BlueDevil

    Icom F1721 with RMK2 Issue

    I have an Icom F1721 with a RMK2 remote mount. The audio coming out of the remote head is extremely low even at full volume. I have checked both ribbon cables and they are working properly. When the head is connected directly to the radio the audio and volume operates as it should. I even tried...
  8. E

    TK-890/TK-790 PL Issue

    Hey all- I'm currently running a dual-band TK-790/890 radio in my vehicle. I upgraded to this after using a single-band, remote-head 790 for over a year. To upgrade to both bands, I got the entire (dual-band, single head) setup used, and had my local Kenwood shop upgrade the firmware in both...
  9. Joseph11

    WS1095: Replacement Remote Head?

    Does anyone know how I would be able to purchase a replacement remote head for the WS1095? I'm looking for the simplified remote head that comes stock with the WS1095 (pictured below), not the extended one that comes with the WS1098 and TRX-2. I've contacted Whistler, Scanner Master, Universal...
  10. viper1833

    Modern CB Upgrades

    Just a curious question to all who are interested in discussing. How many think its time for the FCC to change some of the rules on CB radio, and allow companies to start adding some modern features to 11 meters. Currently I use CB radio still, my wife, and brother use them for personal use...
  11. B

    Relm RMV50 remote head

    Does anyone know where I can buy a remote head kit for a Relm RMV50 mobile radio. Or how to possibly make it myself?
  12. P

    Uniden RH96 Firmware

    Hi, I recently purchased a UBCD396T scanner then later bought (off Ebay) the RH96 remote head for mounting in the car. Both units power up fine but when connected do not talk to each other. I have a good feeling the head unit has the wrong firmware on it. Can anyone direct me as to where and...
  13. N

    BC796D w/Remote Head Problem

    Good day, I have a BC796D with remote head from Scanner Master. It was one of the custom jobs. I have encountered a problem I was hoping someone might help with. With the new reband that came out, requiring that you upgrade the firmware of the scanner, you need to enter the program mode...