
  1. M

    Motorola RSS Spectra Software

    Hello everyone! I have been looking everywhere I can to find the Motorola RSS Spectra programming software, but I can't seem to find it. Where could I find the software? Thanks! MatthiasTHM
  2. A

    Astro Tac 9600 Comparator software type

    Hello I am working with a Astro Tac 9600 Comparator and I cannot seem to find the correct version of software to access the system. I am not asking for software! My main question, Is the Astro Tac Comparator controlled through RSS software same as a motrola quantar or does it have its own...
  3. K

    HT1000 programming woes

    I hope this is the right place for this. So, I am having problems with HT1000 RSS. Shocking, I know. I have a customer who frequently brings me old Motorola radios, and I align them and program them to his system. Well, he just brought me some Visars and one will not program up. I was able to...
  4. W

    Quantar Multiple DPL tones?

    Hey all Quantar experts, I've searched for DAAAAAYS now and unable to find answers to this question. Long story short, I have a 300' tall GMRS repeater located in Naperville, IL. Currently it is set up with several tones (All are DPL tones) and it's been working great for my needs with my...
  5. Z

    Programming Motorola P1821AX Repeater.

    Hope everyone is doing well. since the covid, I have been trying to get a repeater I have to program. I have been thru a long list of things, I have a Motorola P1821AX. I have a older dell which I have already installed FREEDOS on it, and when I try to read the radio RSS Version R06.00.05...
  6. B

    Help with finding model number

    Hi I have 2 maxtrac UHF MODEL NUMBER D44MWA2GF6AK, but can't find the correct RSS number... I AM NIT ASKING FOR THE RSS FILE, BUT FOR THE RSS NUMBER FOR THIS RADIO TIA
  7. B

    Motorola Radius M216

    I've got a radius M216 that I've programmed. Its 25watts according to model number but I couldn't find a PA part#, just the logic (16 pin) and the RF board. Reading the article on upgrading to 32 channel it asks for a specific maxtrac firmware chip and I know I don't have it since it's a radius...
  8. hkmeehan

    Can’t connect to Quantar

    I purchased a Motorola Quantar 800mhz repeater, installed the rss, created the modem, put in the address and when I try to connect I get “ unable to make physical connection” I have tried on 2 different computers, 2 different cables and am ready to throw the thing in the dump. I have...
  9. N2AL

    RSS Feed for Reeder

    I am trying to setup my RSS app named Reeder to load the RadioReference forums. When I upload the URL it works for that day only, then ceases to function the subsequent days afterward. Will someone point me in the right direction for the correct RSS URL which will load the RR forums for my...
  10. M

    Programming HT1000 with Motorola RSS UHF &VHF

    Okay, I have a pretty big question here. I have both a UHF and VHF version of the HT1000. My current FD charges us $150.00 to program our own radios. The town couldn't afford to purchase extras. I obtained Motorola RSS, but it is currently set up for a UHF bandwidth. Says I can only program UHF...
  11. marksroberson

    Motorola Maxtrac Out of band Help

    I have recently purchased a Motorola Maxtrac UHF (449.0 - 470.0 MHz) radio that has already had the VCO and the RX coils tuned down to 440, I am using the Motorola RSS Version R07.02.00a and when I add a channel it defaults as 446.0 but I can not tune below the default 449.00 range. I even try...
  12. Otis413

    EFJ Challenger info?

    I recently acquired two EF Johnson Challenger radios, a 7164 8ch 45W VHF model, and what appears to be a "Mix and Match" 7186, 99ch 15w UHF. I also found the software online. Info on these radios online seems to be a bit sparse, I found a little on Repeater Builders, some on and...
  13. P

    M1225 Issue

    I've come across a 4 channel M1225 (I thought the non-alpha numeric's were SM50/SM120 variants on that chassis) that I can't seem to be able to read. I'm thinking the front jack might be bad but just to be sure I should be using Ver. 3.1 of the M1225 RSS (Windows based) correct?
  14. C


    Hi All, I am looking for some assistance please? I have purchased the programming cable and also RSS software - after being given the run around by Motorola, they put me into the right direction. The issue I have is I dont think it is the right RSS.... I have a Moto GP1200, people also class...
  15. KK4LQX

    MS-DOS 6.2 on Netbook with no Serial Port

    Hello All, I have a netbook that I finally got to accept MS-DOS 6.20 and have installed the Spectra RSS 06.00.05 onto and have run into the issue of the fact that I do not have a serial port on the netbook. I do have a USB to Serial adapter but that does not seem to be doing the trick on the...
  16. K

    Astro Saber Programming

    I have been pulling my hair out, trying to program my Astro Saber III. I gave motorola cables and RIB, but when I try and read the radio it says "Communication with radio failed" I also have an XTS5000 that I have used this computer to program and have had no problems. I have read so many posts...
  17. D

    Programming Help (Motorola)

    *** FYI I AM NOT LOOKING FOR FREE OR ILLEGITIMATE SOFTWARE *** Hi guys! I have a quick ? I have a Motorola ASTRO SABER III UHF 450-512MHz (specs below i get from service mode) R07.71.06 DSPN08.03.05 H04SDH9PW7AN 1 MEG FLASHCODE 599008-0C1E00-3 My question is, what do I need to program...
  18. K


    Done a lot of searching to no avail... I am purchasing a VHF GR1225 for use with the Ski Patrol at the mountain I work at. We have everything set up for usage, I just need to program and interface with the radio. Anybody have any info or have the RSS for the rig? Any tips. PM me or email me at...
  19. jtd97

    Ht1000 install help

    I have Motorola RSS (I guess) V. 03.02.01. What are the steps to installing it and what drive do I install it to.?Here's some info from the previous owner: The software is a Motorola software version R03.02.01 Dated June of 96' It was running on VISTA Beta 3.0 OS... I used it on my UHF radio...
  20. jtd97

    HELP--HT1000 Programming

    I bought a MOTO ht1000 programming software and cable from someone and I need to know how to install it! I have a VHF Model HT (h01kdc9aa3cn). Here's what he said, "The software is a Motorola software version R03.02.01 Dated June of 96' It was running on VISTA Beta 3.0 OS...I used it on my UHF...