
  1. EMT1301

    Enabling Scan on MaxTrac 300

    Hello all, I have searched this forum several times for an answer to this question and have been unable to find it. If I have simply missed it, I apologize. I have a MaxTrac 300 VHF radio that I purchased from eBay. It is model # D43MJA77A3BK. It was a six-channel radio, without scan but...
  2. cmilian

    API to develop an Mobile APP

    I am looking for an API so that I can develop a Windows Mobile 7 Radio Scanner application. Any idea where I can find this? other alternative would be an RSS page that I can refer too in my app.. Any leads would help, Thanks
  3. A

    Help! MT1000 Squelch Stuck.

    I have a Moto MT1000 Vhf Low band 99ch Model H41GCJ7130AN. All was well after programming, then the squelch stuck open. It will still TX and RX fine but the static remains between. I had the squelch settings readjusted, but to no avail. I can find almost no information on this radio. Any ideas?
  4. R

    Code Plug help for Saber RSS

    Hey all, Some how I finally got my Saber RSS too work on my laptop in DOS. I tried it a few weeks ago and it seemed like the COM1 port wasnt working. Well I finally got it to read tonight. I have a Saber I UHF, Saber II UHF and 3 Saber II VHF Securenet. I was able to change the Saber I...
  5. J

    ASTRO Saber I, RSS R09.05.00 "Codeplug to new..."

    Hi, I have an ASTRO Saber I Model#: H04RDC9PW5AN. I have ASTRO RSS R09.05.00. When I try to read the radio codeplug I get "Codeplug to new for this application." I beleive I have the latest version RSS so it must have been programmed with CPS. Does anyone know a way around this or have a...
  6. K

    Motorola GP340 CPS Language

    Hello! I am thinking about buying this item off of eBay later this week.Motorola GP340 Two-Way Radio UHF + Accessories - eBay (item 370186361317 end time Apr-14-09 21:07:00 PDT) My only questions about this radio are... Does the radio come with programming software?? And if it does, is it in...
  7. E

    MT2000 RSS 06.07.00 Problem...HELP!

    I was programming my friends MT2000 last night/early this morning and got all 48 channels entered and clicked to program the data to the radio but I received an error message that stated the target radio is not capable of 2.5kHz spacing, please upgrade the firmware. The only problem is that none...
  8. M

    Programming Issues with the STX

    I was programming them for a while, then my board went up. Got my hands on an old 100mhz, RSS shows the error saying that the radio and rib need to be on for it to work when its off, but when the rib is on i get the bus collision error, i have done everything i can think of from changing the...