
  1. J

    Improved ADS-B for SDRplay and Windows

    We now have an updated beta version of ADS-B for Windows. This is based upon the 16bit Mutability version of dump1090 developed by Oliver Jowett and unlocks the full 12 bit performance of the RSP1. People should see a significant performance improvement over the dump1090_sdrplus version, which...
  2. J

    SDRplay and Studio1 software

    We are delighted to have reached an agreement to acquire Studio1. Studio1 is the perfect complement to our SDR hardware products and gives us the ideal platform to deliver a complete class leading SDR solution for our customers. We look forward to working with Sandro and further developing...
  3. J

    Improved ADS-B for SDRplay and Raspberry Pi

    We now have an updated beta version of ADS-B for both the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. This is based upon the 16bit Mutability version of dump1090 developed by Oliver Jowett and unlocks the full 12 bit performance of the RSP1. People should see a significant performance improvement over the...
  4. J

    SDRplay has released new ADS-B (dump1090) software

    SDRplay has released cross platform versions of ADS-B (dump1090) specifically for the RSP. The Windows installer can be found on SDRplay - Windows (2nd blue box on the right hand side which downloads software, user guide and release notes) Versions for non-Windows platforms can be found on...
  5. C

    Wideband survey on SDRPlay

    Hi, I'm trying to do a wideband survey on my SDRPlay. I was able to do it before with an RTL dongle. I would like to use a better radio but rtl_power only seems to support RTL dongles. Can anyone suggest other software that will do the same task but use any EXTIO-compatible SDR?
  6. P

    SDRPlay should invest in writing software for thier product like Elad does for the FD

    Think about it Elad sells you a complete package for 500 dollars. The HW they designed and the software they wrote for it. ie: FDM-SW2 SDRPlay should be able to do the same thing, they developed the hardware, they should develop the software. This was one reason I never thought of buying the...
  7. S

    Airspy purchase .. and SDRPlay in the box

    I just bought an Airspy .. :(:( Well .. not that bad of a thing, but I think I have had my SDRPlay for about 4 days now. It will be up for sale soon. The reason .. the SDR# software is being crippled for the SDRPlay. It is the only software the kinda works .. I wish there were more...
  8. S

    SDRplay RSP Information

    We've released more information about the SDRplay RSP... (SDRplay - Downloads) Detailed Technical Information Conceptual Block Diagram Schematics As well as details on the digital AGC scheme and a SDR# plugin. The Windows & Linux APIs are also available for download and Android & Mac are...