
  1. Y

    [DSD+][Unitrunker]Issues with hearing decoded audio from DSD+

    Hello all! I currently have a setup of SDR# running with Unitrunker being fed the audio which is controlling SDRSharp. I used this for reference: So every little thing has been working just as I believe it should...except for the fact that I...
  2. T

    Decoding Nexa 433.92MHz Signals

    Hello. I finally managed to record some WAV files from 433.92 remote controls by using HackRF, SDR# and Audacity. X10 signals look like highs and lows and I think it will be possible to decode them. However Nexa signal looks different, more like usual sound waves. Does anyone know how to decode...
  3. R

    cannont open sdrsharp program

    I installed the sdrsharp program following the instructions in the Quick Start Guide from However, when I click on the sdrsharp.exe to open the program I get the following message: Windows cannot open file. To open file windows needs to know what program you want to use to open...
  4. M

    100% signal, No frequencies? (Unitrunker)

    I am attempting to run Unitrunker on this system Atlantic County Trunking System, Mays Landing, New Jersey - Scanner Frequencies. I am getting 100% health, but no frequencies are displaying? Not exactly sure what I am doing wrong! If you guys wouldn't mind looking at my set up? Maybe I have...
  5. FLANO

    SEARM Meeting - 17 January 2015

    Tonight is the monthly SEARM (South East Arizona Radio Monitoring group) meeting. It’s always the third Saturday of the month. We meet at the Village Inn Restaurant, at 4245 E. Speedway Blvd., in Tucson. We start at 6pm and usually are there until 8pm. It is informal and we usually get...
  6. nated1992

    Computer Scanner using SDR

    I came across this article which provided instruction to use SDRSharp ( Software defined radio ) and a $20.00 USB Antenna set up to be able to scan im assuming just about any thing imaginable. Hoping to try it out this weekend ( If the USB shows up tomorrow in the mail ) But has any one tried...
  7. jpryor

    The death of 800 MHz Nextel iDEN network (in pictures-spectrum view before and after)

    I have attached an SDRSharp spectrum view showing the before and after picture from the death of the 800 MHZ Nextel iDEN network this weekend. Sprint shut down the Nextel iDEN network this morning Sunday, June 30th at 12:01 AM. The spectrum view captures iDEN activity as seen between 862-865...
  8. W

    No frequencies or calculator button in Unitrunker

    I am using SDR# and Unitrunker. I get the site window to pop up in Unitrunker, but none of the frequencies are available. I have read that you should be able to click on the calculator button, but the window doesn't have one. What am I missing? I am using 868.83750 on the Central Ohio...
  9. D

    Double-checking equip needed for multi- Unitrunker+SDR#

    I have Unitrunker & SDR# running great for the local Smartnet II system here. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see an easy way to change between 'favorite' talkgroups in Uni. Like, sometimes I want to listen to Fire/EMS. Sometimes Sheriff. Sometimes different districts of each, etc. So...
  10. H

    $19 Police/Fire/Medical Digital Radio Scanner Howto Guide

    I just put together a somewhat comprehensive howto on creating a Police/Fire/Medical radio scanner on It uses a single receiver and works pretty well for the price. Hope it can help anybody interested in putting one of these together! How to Make a $19 Police Radio Scanner