south florida

  1. M

    2024 Hyundai Air and Sea Show in Miami Beach - B-2 Bomber

    A reminder to all that the Hyundai Air and Sea Show is this Memorial Day weekend! Keep your eyes on the skies and radios tuned in to the airwaves throughout the weekend as there will be flyovers and a presence of multiple forms of military air and sea craft. Hey everyone, Just a heads-up for...
  2. M

    Hyundai Air and Sea Show 2020 - Blue Angels Flyover

    Hello fellow enthusiasts! Mickey Markoff here, Executive Producer of the Air and Sea Show in South Florida. I recently stumbled upon a forum discussion from 2021 about the show and saw a great contribution from user JimD56 regarding the Blue Angels Flyover. Since the original thread is now...
  3. V

    Sunrise, FL Signal Disruption Area

    Hey all, I've noticed there is an area in Sunrise, FL where, without fail, my car's bluetooth is disrupted and cuts out several times momentarily. It has happened in several different makes and models I've been in over the past 2 years. This usually happens when I drive either direction on the...