
  1. M

    Motorola RSS Spectra Software

    Hello everyone! I have been looking everywhere I can to find the Motorola RSS Spectra programming software, but I can't seem to find it. Where could I find the software? Thanks! MatthiasTHM
  2. RadioCheckk

    Unknown Motorola Spectra Model

    Team, I am in need of help with my Motorola Spectra. I bought from eBay 20+ years ago and had it running into my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee until I had to pull it. I am at the point where I'd like to hook up an Amp to it and listen to local traffic. In order to pick up the correct Amp, I would...
  3. RadioCheckk

    Motorola Spectra Digital CPS Version Needed?

    I recently bought a Motorola Spectra W3 40 watt that is digital. I ran around and bought the programming cable (with ignition sensor) and the RIB (box). The radio powered up and tested properly. I am using Windows XP and am running the Astro Saber & XTS3000 CPS. When I tried to read the radio...
  4. Z

    Programming Motorola P1821AX Repeater.

    Hope everyone is doing well. since the covid, I have been trying to get a repeater I have to program. I have been thru a long list of things, I have a Motorola P1821AX. I have a older dell which I have already installed FREEDOS on it, and when I try to read the radio RSS Version R06.00.05...
  5. K

    Computer windows 95 98 program spectra or saber

    What is the fastest computer that you can prohram a spectra and saber with using windows 95 or 98 version software?
  6. K9ROD

    DualBand Astro Spectras

    I know about the SIU way, but I have come across a "Y" cable that is for two Astro Spectra's. In the software under the "Advanced II" tab you check the box for a dual band unit and designate one radio as primary and the other as secondary. This is usually also referred to as the green radio and...
  7. B

    Astro Spectra Plus W4 Reprogramming

    My fire department has an old Astro Spectra Plus W4 built into its main vehicle. The radio still has frequencies programmed into it from the department we bought it from and we wanted to program it to function on the Provincial Fire frequency. I was wondering what it would take to reprogram it...
  8. A

    Trying to locate an ASTRO Spectra UHF Srecord

    Good morning everyone. I am searching for an Srecord to convert an ASTRO Spectra from a D04RKF9PW5AN to a W3. I have a few 800 mid power W3's I can pull the interconnect/faceplates from and the W3 HHCH's. (I've swapped the dim green display LED's out with red ones and it makes them much easier...
  9. M

    Programming D04 Dilemma

    I have a Dash Mount Astro Spectra Analog Mid Power Programmed by someone else Service Mode says; R110103 A070309 CNTLHD31 D04JKF9PW5AN 494AAw0613 1MEG FLSHCD 000004-000004 I am using aftermarket cable and RIB. The cable is put together properly. This radio works in the car and can transmit...
  10. M


    I am new to tinkering around with radios. I am currently working on getting my Technician ham license. I have a huge technologic background and Ive heard motorolas can require a lot more attention then others. Anyways, I received a Motorola Spectra Radio from a friends radio club that had a...
  11. A

    Spectra Remote Cable

    Hello everyone. Im trying to remote mount my older Spectra radio and im having trouble finding the right cable. Its an older radio (model no. DA4KM+067W) but from what ive been able to find it is remote-able. Ive tried to find cables but the only ones i can find have the DB15 connector...
  12. S

    ASTRO spectra mid max power

    What is the lowest and highest point the mid power VHF AastroSpec can handle before it folds? I recall reading somewhere that the midpower could do up to 75watts before degrading, how accurate is this? As far as low goes is 1w ok ?
  13. D

    Motorola Spectra S-meter for RDFing...

    This is my first post on the forum & I just want to share how impressed I am with the conduct of everyone & the help which is provided. Everyone's input is greatly appreciated. I did a search & I don't see that anyone else has posted these questions. I'm getting into radio direction finding...
  14. T

    Motorola Astro Spectra (High Power) and Vehicle Repeater

    Hello, My agency has been experiencing terrible radio service in our county. We have one repeater site that covers 486 square miles of hilly terrain. Our cruisers are equipped with 50 watt Vertex radios that are underpowered. In response to this, I recently purchased some refurbished...
  15. KK4LQX

    MS-DOS 6.2 on Netbook with no Serial Port

    Hello All, I have a netbook that I finally got to accept MS-DOS 6.20 and have installed the Spectra RSS 06.00.05 onto and have run into the issue of the fact that I do not have a serial port on the netbook. I do have a USB to Serial adapter but that does not seem to be doing the trick on the...
  16. K

    Spectra Transmit Issue

    Hello all, I just bought a Spectra 9000 with the A9 Remote Head and had programmed at a Motorola shop for HAM use on 2m. I also had some Pub Safety channels programmed in receive only. The trouble is that the radio acts like all of the channels are in receive only mode and even the HAM...
  17. J

    Help Needed With a Spectra

    Goodmorning All, I recently purchased a Motorola Spectra 110w vhf high band radio. The unit is designed to be a trunk mount I believe. I was hoping to get any information I could as well as what programming cable was needed, as i know they are different depending on the model or head? of the...
  18. A

    Spectra and ASTRO Spectra Control Head Cables The Same?

    Im looking for an answer to a question I was asked just the other day, wondering if the control head cables for the "Spectra" are the same cable as the "ASTRO Spectra"? I just thought this would be the place to ask so fire away!! Thanks!
  19. A

    Mobile Motorola Spectra - Aust UHF CB frequencies

    Long time reader and now a first time poster. Here to draw some knowledge. Basically, in Australia Motorola Radios are difficult to obtain in the right frequencies in addition to anyone who can re code one. Now I'm looking at the mobile radios available to me on eBay. I found a Motorola...
  20. A

    Astro Specgtra PLUS: What cable to use?

    Hi all, Spectra Plus and im wondering what programming cable will work? I found a cable model number HKN6121A but im unsure if it will work? Thanks, Alex