
  1. APXandRailroadRadios

    Motorola APX 7000 TDMA

    Hi everyone, I have a 7000 in VHF/7-800. Conventional works great. I was wondering if there is any way to add features like TDMA to it. I know it is no longer supported by Motorola so is there a way that isn't Motorola? Thank you.
  2. APXandRailroadRadios

    RED Center STARCOM Patch?

    Hi! I just got a 6000 to do monitor trunking. Since there is a VHF patch for Glenview and Skokie Fire, since they are on STARCOM, is there a RED patch to STARCOM? Thanks!
  3. C

    Rookie Trying to bring childhood memories back! MUCH HELP NEEDED :) (ST. Louis, Missouri/MOSWIN; IL Starcom21)

    Hi there! I have been doing a lot of research, trying to understand, on how to exactly get the most of my Uniden SDS 200. It has certainly been an experience as this is all a foreign language to me. Not to bore, but, after my fathers passing I picked it us as I have listened to scanners with...
  4. p25man123

    New APX Next Radios Arrived For ACDC Agency Members

    After throughly looking into the pictures that I’ve seen with agencies that are apart of ACDC. I believe it’s safe to say that the APX Next radios have came in along with the new mics that Officers and Deputies will be receiving as well. Now I don’t know if DU-COMM has gotten theirs yet but the...
  5. K

    Starcom21 Lincoln Weather

    In the past while scanning the full database on my 436HP, I heard Lincoln Weather giving reports to different counties on P25. Does anyone know the TGID used by Lincoln Weather?
  6. T

    SDRTrunk SDRTrunk Configuration

    @GTR8000 was giving me some info in another thread but we got off topic. I'm working on getting SDRTrunk setup to handle BCFY Calls for my county, but want to ensure I have the necessary configuration. I was informed I'll need a total of 3 SDRs to handle all the frequencies, but my question is...
  7. G

    How do I add Talk ID Groups to the Sentinel?

    I've already downloaded the latest version of BCDX36HP Sentinel and have a beginners understanding of how to program frequencies. However I can't find the option to add TalkID Groups to the program. Specifically I'm trying to add OLRec, the Oaklawn Starcom21 channels. If someone could explain...
  8. P

    Trunking on Motorola APX7000XE StarCOM21 question.

    So I have a general question that may apply to any trunking system similar but I am specifically talking about STARCOM21 in this case. So if you will refer to this link to see how the system is set up. On with the point. I have already set up my...
  9. D

    Starcom 21 Question

    So I'm admittedly new to the digital trunking side of scanning, although I've owned a scanner for the last 15 years or so. I'm coming from a BCT15X and am trying to program a BCD996P2 using ARC-XT. My question is this: if I import the programming through ACT-XT's radioreference option and I...
  10. S

    SDR and StarCom21

    How do I use my new SDR to monitor StarCom21.
  11. I

    Pro-2096 & APCO25 ( IL. StarCom) Question.

    Evening, I have a Pro-2096 and for the past few Months I have been trying to program STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois P25 system in to this radio. No matter how I program it it does not RX that system. I've tried different antennas, different locations outside. I even had a friend come here TODAY...
  12. H


    I have had a BC246T for several years and programmed it for several EDACS systems, since the local LEO's went from VHF to 800MHZ, now they have gone to the Starcom21 system, using the 700MHZ along with the 800MHZ band. From what I read the BC15X is a base model having the 700 band and the...
  13. J

    StarCom 21 Setup

    Hey everyone; I am not tech savvy at all, but would like to buy a scanner that would allow me to listen to the Illinois State Police District 12. 1. What scanner would you recommend? 2. What frequencies would I need / talk group? I appreciate all of your help. I've looked through a couple...
  14. M

    StarCom21 Control Frequencies?

    When I did a search on RR for StarCom21 I found the following: STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois P25 Trunking System, Statewide, Illinois - Scanner Frequencies Near the top of this very long page I saw a news item which said that Site 115 was replaced by Site 149. As I scrolled through the list of...
  15. H

    Anolog question

    I know everything is going to StarCom low band and fast. I can't or should say I am having a very hard time keeping up! First off I picked up an old hobby. I did this when I was a kid and loved it. I'm in my late 30's married and probably why I am picking up a hobby again! (reason to rebuild...
  16. M

    Island Lake PD - any updates

    Hello, new member here and also new Island Lake resident. I have been browsing around on the topic of scanning the Island Lake PD. Nobody seems to know where they went, and haven't seen any discussion on the topic in 3 or 4 months. One note on the Lake County EDACS page says "Island Lake PD...
  17. W

    Dupage county going to Starcom21

    DuPage County gears up for $28 million communcation system - Bartlett, IL - Bartlett Press
  18. medic29

    StarComm21 help

    Good morning. I apologize if these questions have been asked before and/or if I am posting this in the wrong forum. I'm not new to scanners by any means, I've been using them since the early 80's, back in the day when you had to purchase a crystal for each frequency you wanted to listen to and...
  19. Starcom21

    (Madison) Maryville Police/Fire dispatching to Glen Carbon

    Update: The Edwardsville Intelligencer > Local News
  20. jclarkr6

    Preprogrammed Starcom21 on BCD396XT

    I just got my BCD396XT today and was pleasantly surprised to find that it came preprogrammed with Illinois Starmcom21. I've gotten good results from the ISP's District 12 Dispatch and District 9 Dispatch, and decent results with District 6 Dispatch. I live in District 10 (Coles County), and I...