
  1. W

    Vehicle roof mount antennas for SDS100?

    Hello, I’m planning on getting an SDS100 soon and we’re coincidentally getting a new SUV and naturally I started thinking about how I could integrate the two (lol) for when I’m in the car. What came to mind was how to improve the scanner’s reception while in the vehicle. Then I thought I...
  2. B

    Looking for suggestions from experienced folks.

    Hello, I am interested in setting up a home garage CB radio base station in an outer ring suburb of Minneapolis. I currently have a Cobra 29 LTD and a firestik antenna. I can hear all kinds of skip but zero local traffic. After a bit of research I have found that a radio called the Anytone...
  3. sirdonbWRYY778

    Tuning Antenna?

    After searching this forum and Google, I couldn't find what I was looking for so I decided to bring the question here to the hive mind. Can you tune a stealth antenna like the MXTA25? I bought this antenna and mount package from Amazon. I'm using the Surecom SW-102s power/SWR Meter to check...
  4. W

    New to HAM - Antenna question

    Greetings. I am looking for advice/help with some antenna ideas and hoping some of you veterans might help. Since I was about 13 I have been interested in this hobby and now 30 years later I am finally licensed. I hope to take the general in the next month or two to expand my capabilities...
  5. Z

    Best mobile antenna to replace this kind of mount?

    Is there a unique name / identifier for this kind of factory installed antenna mount, normally used for typical AM/FM radio? Are there drop-in replacements for this kind of antenna mount that will provide an antenna more suitable to the frequency range for a radio scanner (e.g. Uniden BCT-15)...