two tone

  1. T

    XPR Two-Tone Pager function on XPR7550e via Quik Call II

    Hi all, I'm trying to replicate the settings from my minitor 6 to my XPR7550e for two-tone selective call. However, I'm finding that no matter what I do, I cannot get a quick call to trigger. I want it to alert only if the tones 909.8 & 991.9 are heard (third tone set on audio). Any thoughts...
  2. T

    "Heart Safe" Tones

    I have been experimenting with two-tone detect software, and I'm currently working on a project that involves receiving a tone alert and gradually increasing its volume using a pylon script. However, I'm facing some challenges in implementing this specific functionality. Has anyone ever created...
  3. K

    How do I decode Motorola Two-Tone?

    I am attempting to write software to parse and decode Motorola Two-Tone signals, but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to get from having the A and B frequencies to getting a usable code out of it. Honestly its probably due to me not understanding how these codes are used normally...
  4. J

    Two Tone decode

    I found the below on the Uniden website (SDS100 True I/Q™ Digital Handheld Scanner) for the SDS100 and am wanting some verification. Are you able to program to allow mute until alert like a regular Minitor does on selective call? "Fire Tone-Out Standby/Tone Search – Lets you set the scanner to...
  5. S

    G5 Analog Two Tone reset timer?

    Hello everyone, I have been tasked with programming our new G5 pagers. On our old Motorola Minitors, when tones were received the pager would alert, record 30 seconds, then keep itself on open mic until the squelch button was clicked and it would return back to a selective scan. On the G5s, I...
  6. B

    G5 Paging Issues

    I have been having issues with the G5 paging over 2-tone analog. I have tried multiple different settings in the 2-tone protocol and several firmwares from Unication which have not helped. I have described the problem below and was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and has any...
  7. E

    Edgecombe county help!

    I need the fire tone outs for Edgecombe county, North Carolina if at all possible. I am new to the radio/scanner world, i have tried searching here and around the web with no luck! Thanks
  8. D

    XTS2500 and 5000, P25 Quick Call II

    I may be searching the wrong way but haven't found much info on it. I was recently made Fire Chief with my department back in October and I am looking for a way to streamline our radio usage for more coverage and better reception. We currently use XTS and XTL radios, 2500 and 5000 models of...