unication g5

  1. J

    Phoenix Regional Fire Dispatch All Call Programming

    Has anyone been successful programming a G5 for the Phoenix, Arizona Fire Dept Regional Dispatch Center All Call tone(s) on either 154.19 MHz or P25? All call is used for greater alarm notifications and shows as 339.6 Hz. Sometimes it seems to be one long tone. Other times it is two long tones...
  2. lifeson

    G5 voice storage

    Hi group, I new at Unification . I am trying to figure out how to record what i am listening to on the radio. I clicked on enable in the TGID and on the page for the knob i have it on. I listened to it for awhile then when i hook up to message saver there is nothing there. I know it has to be...
  3. E

    G- series PPS problems?

    I downloaded the G series PPS on Friday and it worked great i opened it 10 times or more, no problems. i go to open it on Saturday and it gives me an error message before opening that says PPS has stopped working, this is as soon as you try to open it. the part for the password never pops up...
  4. E

    Edgecombe county help!

    I need the fire tone outs for Edgecombe county, North Carolina if at all possible. I am new to the radio/scanner world, i have tried searching here and around the web with no luck! Thanks
  5. J

    G5 Error 02144 After Reprogramming

    Wondering if anyone else is seeing error message 02144 on their G5 after using the PPS software to update programming profile. With this error message, the G5 stops receiving and launches some other inappropriate messages like "out of range." Requires a hard restart (turn the radio off, then...