
  1. N

    TRX-2: Has this TRX-2 problem been resolved yet ?

    I used a TRX-2 for about a year and liked the overall performance. However there was one very frustrating problem when updating the scanner data. This caused the "Waiting for Main" where the internal communication between the main unit and detachable keyboard/display would not function...
  2. AK4FD

    TRX-2: EZ-Scan & listening to Audio recordings

    Is anyone else having an issue when unplugging the SD card from the scanner and plugging it into your laptop, using EZ-Scan to listen to the audio recording files, I would say more than half the time when listening, the recording audio skips every other second, sometimes not being able to make...
  3. D

    BC346XT: Uniden vs Whistler

    Well, I believe I've made the same mistake twice !!! I purchased a 346XTC a couple of years ago, one reason was the remote control head which I unceremoniously found was discontinued AFTER I bought the scanner, the second is 2 years worth of confussion and the inability to program this unit the...
  4. AK4FD

    TRX-2 and Clock

    Hello all... Just got my new TRX-2 today, for the most part I understand how to program it using the PC cable. 1 thing I can't figure out is the clock, when you power it down I got the clock to display, but it shows 24-hour time, is there a way to change it to 12-hour time? Thanks! Love this...
  5. Quint-1-29

    Radio ID Needs to be in a scanlist to display???

    Just noticed that I had an RID in another Scanlist, so it didn't display since I had that list turned off. My question and/or wish is RIDs to display no matter what Scanlist you are operating in for that TRS. Another thing while I'm asking for wishes. Why do you need a Delay for a UID/RID when...
  6. WhistlerWendy

    Update to GRE PSR-800

    Beginning June 1st Whistler will offer a feature upgrade program for the Pro-18, Pro-668 and PSR-800 scanners. For the cost of $59.99, customers will be able to send in their scanner to Whistler where the unit will be upgraded to receive DMR. You will cover the cost to ship the unit to use and...
  7. T

    Official DMR Upgrade for PRO-18 and PRO-668 by Whistler

    For those who perhaps missed the posting in the RR Whistler forum, Whistler will be offering official DMR upgrades for the Radio Shack PRO-18 and PRO-668 (as well as the GRE PSR-800) beginning June 1st. The cost will be $59.99 plus the cost of shipping your radio to Whistler (with return...
  8. B

    Scanner suggestions Northumberland County

    Good day all, I am new to the RR forums. I was pretty involved in the scanning hobby in years past but unfortunately life happened and I had to step away from it for several years. That said I recently decided to dig out and dust off my old Uniden and start getting back into the hobby I used...
  9. lucky43113

    is this a fair deal?

    on ebay i found a Whistler WS1095 brand new for $350.00 just wondering if thats a good deal or not
  10. D

    Whistler WS1088

    Looking into getting the about unit. I know that this site can provide the info for many different scanners. What about the WS1088?? Also, if it will work with the 1088 how do you or does it work? Will I need any special cables or anything like that? Thanks Bob
  11. S

    Whistler Scanners - Sensitivity Shootout

    Here you go .. measured like a ton of radios today, all on the same frequencies as below. The frequencies were chosen as they may be typical and where I typically listen. The TRX-1 was the clear winner .. at all frequencies of the 5 radio below The Whistler / GRE radios tested were the...
  12. Joseph11

    WS1095: Replacement Remote Head?

    Does anyone know how I would be able to purchase a replacement remote head for the WS1095? I'm looking for the simplified remote head that comes stock with the WS1095 (pictured below), not the extended one that comes with the WS1098 and TRX-2. I've contacted Whistler, Scanner Master, Universal...
  13. kandrey89

    TRX-2: Whistler TRX-2 - Unboxing Photos

    Hi, I took unboxing photos of Whistler TRX-2 in hi-res so you could see what is included, the shape and possible mounting options. Concern about the quality: The buttons are sheathed in thin black rubber material with what appears to be possibly rubberized silkscreen. Unknown how long the...
  14. WhistlerWendy

    The cat's out of the bag!

    We've been planning this launch to occur at Hamvention 2016 for many months, but it looks like the cat's out of the bag! We're pleased to go ahead and make this exciting announcement today. https://www.whistlergroup.com/usa/news/cat/Press-Room/post/DMR/ If you will be attending Hamvention...
  15. XTSJunior

    WS1095: Does not recieve!!

    Has anyone had recieve issues with the 1095 scanners? We have tried many antennas at our shop, all BNC connectors with no adapters. The stock back of set antenna works perfect on the scanner however as soon as we connect any exterior or mobile antennas, nothing works... Anyone?
  16. D

    Need advice on new buying new scanner

    Hope I can get some good input as I'm thinking of upgrading my scanner. Little background. Years ago I bought a Uniden 396xt. Make a long story short it was a huge disappointment. I was never able to get the reception I desired on certain trunking systems. Years ago I posted many posts here on...
  17. fireboat61

    what systems would you like to recieve ?

    I would like members to post what they would need a scanner to receive in there area. In todays market it seems the top scanner companies have now produced the phase 2 p25. I want to know what those companies need to be working on. In my area the DMR systems are starting to pop up in the law...
  18. fireboat61

    Digital scanners on the market. Please read !!!

    I am trying to see what the crowd likes or dislikes about the current digital scanners. I am a fan of a Motorola style digital scanner. I have mentioned in another thread title " We're almost there , almost " that the need for a new improved Motorola ( professional portable ) style scanner is...
  19. fireboat61

    We're almost there, almost. A durable, digital scanner is needed.

    I initiated a Thread in the past regarding the necessity for a more durable scanner. I received numerous replies in the positive, but was shocked to receive a few negative, as if what I was saying needed to be kept a secret. I still believe it’s time for a company to look into producing a...
  20. N

    Trying to decide: 325P2 or 436HP ???

    I have a 996P2 which I really like and it is superior to my old 996XT for sure. I program my scanners w1ith software like ARC XT Pro, FreeScan and Proscan. I have a handheld Whistler 1050 which does okay but the limit of 20 Scan Lists is a big pain. So I want to bet a handheld scanner...