wifi dongle

  1. rrobinso84

    Adding WiFi to SDS200

    I'd like to add and configure my Vonet wifi bridge to my SDS200 to be able to use it wirelessly with Proscan. I'm having trouble getting it to work. I took the WiFi bridge out of the box and plugged it into the LAN port on the scanner and powered it with USB connector. I was able to 'see' a...
  2. J

    **Wanted** Uniden WiFi dongle for BCD536HP **FOUND**

    **Found**Let me know via message / post if you have a Uniden BCD536HP WiFi dongle you are willing to sell. Bought my 536 used with no dongle and I just want to check it out to see if it will work for me around the house. Thanks JT
  3. CumulonimbusWx

    Different gain MIMO Antenna for data on 4GX

    Hi Building a mobile internet setup for in vehicle WIFI and has to be capable of streaming video. I have a USB dongle that is powered on with the vehicle dual battery and relay and is connected to the Australian Telstra 4GX network. The dongle accepts 2 external antenna to enable MIMO. I have...
  4. A

    Uniden BCP536HP scanner losing Wifi connection to Proscan software

    I have noticed in the last couple of days that my 536 is losing WiFi signal to proscan software, the software will show a blank scanner but my feed to broadcastify you can hear audio from the scanner but the audio is broken up so you can't understand it. Yesterday it corrected itself and maybe...
  5. M

    BCD536HP Wifi Issues

    We currently have a BCD536HP down at the firehouse which I purchased for listening as well as using it as a lI've feed for the department. The firmware for the scanner and wifi dongle has been upgraded to the latest. Been having problems with using Proscan Radiofeed live feed going down. Last...