xpr 5550

  1. daugherh

    Motorola XPR5550 Install Advice

    Hey guys, I appreciate all the advice I've received so far and hoping y'all don't mind throwing out some more advice for a first time install that I want to do right. I should be receiving everything in the mail here soon. Right now, I'm installing a single XPR5550 high power UHF but will soon...
  2. daugherh

    XPR 5550 Double Mounting Bracket

    Hi all. Wondering if anyone out there has any ideas or leads on a dual bracket for the XPR5000 series? I'm limited on space (single cab Toyota Tacoma) for mounting and found a side mount that hooks to the seat bolts like this and was thinking of trying to mount two XPR mobiles on it stacked...
  3. C

    XPR XPR 5550 issue

    I have an XPR 5550 that I’m attempting to read/ program. I was able to program said radio last week without issue, and now that I am attempting to read/ write to it, the computer is saying it is unable to detect the radio. I have narrowed it down to the radio itself being the issue because the...
  4. dcorby

    XPR 5550 unable to read

    I have 2 XPR 5550 radios, an OEM Motorola cable and latest software. one unit (UHF) when I plug in the cable the drivers load and am able to communicate with radio. The other unit (VHF) will not load the drivers. The radio recognizes and Impres accessory, but the drivers will not load. Radio...